Kudos to the Supreme Court

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Jan 1, 2007
Pomona, California, USA.
.......And to our Constitution!!!! The Supreme Court overthrew Washington, DC's ban on handgun ownership by LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS, and affirmed the right of the people to keep and bear arms individually--not as a member of the "militia"!!!!
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Don't be too satisfied. It only won by 1 vote. If it wasn't for that one vote the second amendment would be history. I think our constitution is in real trouble with a supreme court like that. It should have been unanimous!
... then there is the decision to limit Exxon's financial damages for the Alaskan Oil Spill... reduced 80% to $500MM or "three days profits." Something else when the largest profit making company in America, can get that kind of consideration from the highest court in the land.

Originally posted by LostintheWoods

.......And to our Constitution!!!! The Supreme Court overthrew Washington, DC's ban on handgun ownership by LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS, and affirmed the right of the people to keep and bear arms individually--not as a member of the "militia"!!!!

To pontificate; A terrorist can terrorize you; A government can tyrannize you.

BIG DIFFERENCE and one the writers of the constitution knew well.

Let's see now......

We have secret laws, secret prisons, and secret trials, and warrant less wiretaps. Gee! and I didn't even have to change my mail address to the Soviet Union.

Pogo: We have met the enemy and he is us!
Don't look now but the Houston Texans are on the move. Just maybe there will be a new sheriff in town.
Originally posted by wdcav1952

Enough politics.

Cav, this is not politics, but a reafirment of our rightfull liberty to protect ourselves. Something every law abiding citizen should have. Just think of our DC woodturners, the next time someone breaks into their home to steal his wood and pens, they will be in for a pleasent surprise :)

Oh, the only way the AINTS will win is if the play the Cardnals :D
Supreme Court decisions always have political ramifications that in one way or another espouse political principals or opinions. By joining IAP we agreed to follow the Acceptable Use Policy which clearly states that discussions of politics are not allowed. With that said, I have two final words, "Pittsburgh Steelers!!"
I am going to have to go with Doc on this one. I may agree with the premise of this thread but it really does not have a place here at IAP.
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