Kudos for randcrafts

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Apr 23, 2007
Show Low, Arizona
Every now and then something happens that really makes your day, I wanted to share the details of one such incident because it was with a fellow forum member.

I placed an order for some truestone blanks from Richard (randbcrafts) and they were a little late arriving. Finally I opened the mailbox and there was my priority mail envelope, or what was left of it, in a sealed plastic bag from the USPS.

Ironically, this bag had a sign saying "WE CARE" and went on to say how they regret the damage and hope it did not cause any inconvenience!

The package looks like it had gone through a meat grinder and had only a few shards of broken cutoffs Richard was giving me but none of the blanks were inside.

I contacted Richard and he said not to worry, that he would replace the blanks and reship asap.

This is something Richard didn't have to do and I know how generous of an offer it was since he doesn't make that much profit on his blanks. I just wanted to let everyone know what kind of an individual he is. Richard will remain my sole source for anything he sells!

I'm also going to start paying the few dollars extra for insurance when ordering items over a certain value.
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I got one of those "we care packages" from the post office... on another thread I was given some screws to to fit my scroll chuck and to use in making a cole jaws... when I opened the "we care package" from the post office, it contained a front door key on a very nice key ring. No screws. I contacted the guy sending me the screws, thinking maybe he had inadvertently gotten his packages mixed and sent me his or someone's keys... no his keys and we still don't know who's locked out because their keys were shipped to Tennessee. Oh, the envelope he sent the keys in were in the "we care package".:wink::wink::biggrin::biggrin:
Several years ago I got the "we care" package. I was the Cubmaster and wanted to make a special plaque for the pinewood derby. I wrote to Rusty Wallace, explaining what I wanted to do.
Couple weeks later I get the plastic bag from the post office with a shreded envelope and a LUGNUT!!!. The raceteam sent a lugnut from one of the racecars in an envelope that totally jammed up the machinery.
Can you just imagine the maintenance guy trying to figure out where that nut fell off of?:eek::confused:
IF you insure, they will tell you the packaging was bad and try to skip out on the claim.

I don't know the answer, but I don't think it's insurance.

MAYBE the new small flat rate box $5 - its kinda nice - we are shipping a lot of them, so far no problems with damage - sometimes they get lost, but so does everything - lots of mail -- some won't "make it".
I sent quite a few packages from over here as well...... and it seems like not all made it over to the USA..... have had some people telling me they have not received their packages.......
Those we care packages are always a bummer!! I received one last year in the pen trade we did. You guessed it, got the envelope, the note, but someone else (probably in the Post Office) got a well made pen. The maker of the pen did offer to make and send another one but I told him it wasn't their fault the Post Office screwed up and for him NOT to make and send a 2nd one.
I'll second the kudos to Richard. Not only does he ship fast and accurate,
he has been MORE than generous answering newbie questions and going
above and beyond the call to help out.

If I had to pay him by the hour for email assistance, I couldn't afford the

Good on you, Richard! :biggrin:
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