There are many kits I would like to try as well. In fact, I managed to buy some on sales late last year, like the Majestics. They were normally listing for ~$60 or thereabouts, but on sale I picked some up for ~$40. There are many of the Diacom kits that I would love to try, but some of those are $100 or more. I may eventually try to make one once they go on sale, just to get something on my storefront so people know they exist, but maybe make it more of an "on demand" kind of thing.
Pen blanks have also been going up. I bought a Jet 14-SFX bandsaw during black friday last year. I wanted something to help me cut wood and blanks, and my basic miter saw just wasn't doing what I wanted (not to mention, its a hell of a lot of power just to do a bit of cutting!) The bandsaw has opened up so many doors for me. I recently started buying boards, usually 3/4 or 7/8 thick, and am starting to cut up my own pen blanks. I recently picked up some really nice 4" wide Ipe with some beautiful grain and either yellow or white fibers, for $11 a board, and those will make a bunch of blanks (probably around 90-100 per board). Picked up several 6" wide Paduke boards for $13 each, which will make even more blanks. Also picked up a beautiful Peruvian Walnut board, 12' long, for $50, which will make a whole bunch of things like some walnut and paduke clocks (idea I've been playing with), as well a bunch of large 1" pen blanks, and probably much more. Love the Peruvian Walnut...with Pens Plus it darkens to a shade above ebony, and has this warmth to it that is just amazing. Picked up some other boards as well, 4" wide mostly, for around $9-15 each. Turned just into blanks, the cost per blank is usually below a dollar, for some woods well below a dollar. Even compared to say the Rockler "cheap" pen blank bins, which are now $1.49 per blank (they used to be $0.99 per blank a year ago), the cost of making your own pen blanks from boards usually turns out to be much, much cheaper. The bigger the board, the cheaper it tends to be as well. So, for wood blanks, this is generally where I'm going now... Spending $3+ per pre-cut wood blank is getting too expensive. The only other truly cost effective way I've found to get pen blanks is some of Woodcraft's grab bags. On sale those are usually $39, and you get a ton of blanks.
Also started finding TruStone in larger "bulk" sizes, and just today I cut up maybe seven 3/4"x1.5"x6.5" or 7/8"x1.75x6.5" blocks and three 1.5"x1.5"x6.5" blocks. Buying TruStone at those sizes ends up being cheaper than buying ready-cut pen blanks out of it, which is usually $27-35 a blank depending on 3/4 or 7/8. I get two to four 3/4" or 7/8" blanks that are 6.5" long, for ~$40 per slab or ~$80 per block. Which comes out to about $18-20 per long blank in the end.