kids and payback

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May 17, 2005
chandler, az, USA.
You know how your parents always told you ONE DAY when you have your own kids....payback.

I guess I am getting payback for the story my mom always tells me. When Robert and I(twins) were little we would both leave the front door, go out to the sidewalk and one go each way. We knew she could only follow one of us. When she made her choice the other would double back to get in the refrigerator and make a nice mess.

Well today I put Sean down for his afternoon nap. He kept fighting it and playing around. Finally he went quiet and I thought he was out. WRONG!!!! About 10 min later he opens his door and says Daddy come here please. I go to his room and he is covered in white powder. I turn on his light and his entire room is covered in white powder. He found a bottle of baby powder and must have had a ball. I dont know how he could have fun it was dark in there and he cannot reach the light switch. It took me over an hour to vacuum, wipe down shelves, change his bed sheets, clean all his stuffed animals, ect ect I am covered in white powder and I am sure his room will have a nice coating of it again when it settles. What did confuse me was the "splatter" or "spray" that was 4 feet up the wall. I do not know how this kid did that.

I took a little video of it with my cell phone. I am laughing now but I was at a loss when I saw it.
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I have a co-worker who's daughter did the same thing. They heard her sneezing one night, so they got up to check on her (she hadn't been sick). Just as the rounded the corner to come into her room, they saw her (with the lid totally removed from the bottle) dump the whole bottle of baby powder on her head.

He could not stop laughing. How on earth do you discipline a kid, doing something they ought not do (make daddy vacuum for an hour!) when it's so funny!
You got off easy. My son used to wake up from his nap and not make a noise. He would then take off his diaper and proceed to finger paint everything he could reach from his crib. When we checked on him he would be standing there with a big grin on his face. The smell almost knocked me off my feet.
You got off easy. My son used to wake up from his nap and not make a noise. He would then take off his diaper and proceed to finger paint everything he could reach from his crib. When we checked on him he would be standing there with a big grin on his face. The smell almost knocked me off my feet.

My little brother did the same thing, repeatedly. Visiting Grandma, he decorated Uncle's baseball bat and glove, window screen and the rest of the room. Hard to confiscate his art materials, as he made his own.
This is a funny thread. I have a 4 yo Son who is a terror ( I love him thankfully). He has Spray painted my wifes 2006 G6, put a magic marker to the gas tank and chrome on my 2002 Custom Road Star Warrior, he put rock salt and sidewalk chalk in the gas tank of my wifes motorcycle, threw the cordless phone in the fish tank, and many other things that excape me at the moment.

So forgive me when I think that the power all over the room is kind of funny! lol Of course I wouldnt laugh if I had to clean it up!
About a year ago I got a phone call from my daughter her first words "That curse you put on me worked" Her three kids are all teenagers now. I laughed and asked her what curse. She says "that one where you wished we had kids just like we were" :biggrin:
You know how your parents always told you ONE DAY when you have your own kids....payback.

I guess I am getting payback for the story my mom always tells me. When Robert and I(twins) were little we would both leave the front door, go out to the sidewalk and one go each way. We knew she could only follow one of us. When she made her choice the other would double back to get in the refrigerator and make a nice mess.

Well today I put Sean down for his afternoon nap. He kept fighting it and playing around. Finally he went quiet and I thought he was out. WRONG!!!! About 10 min later he opens his door and says Daddy come here please. I go to his room and he is covered in white powder. I turn on his light and his entire room is covered in white powder. He found a bottle of baby powder and must have had a ball. I dont know how he could have fun it was dark in there and he cannot reach the light switch. It took me over an hour to vacuum, wipe down shelves, change his bed sheets, clean all his stuffed animals, ect ect I am covered in white powder and I am sure his room will have a nice coating of it again when it settles. What did confuse me was the "splatter" or "spray" that was 4 feet up the wall. I do not know how this kid did that.

I took a little video of it with my cell phone. I am laughing now but I was at a loss when I saw it.

If this is your first you haven't seen nothing yet. I have a 17, 10 and 2 and I think they get smarter with each following one. Or the older one/ones are teaching their skills on down the line.
Heh Heh Heh I have the grandson spawned by Beelzebub him self, man I tried to warn my son that it all comes around and there is a 20 month old monster controlling my sons house,
Doesn't work here at Grandmas and Grandpa's but his new car has some great artwork on the leather seats done with a wide black sharpie, it contrasts nicely with the dove gray leather, most of it rubbed out on the outside, I like the way the sweet little kid throws things at mommy if she says no toys, cereal, telephone, yes revenge is awesome :biggrin:
When he was just under two, my son smeared an entire tube of Desinex all over his teddy bear. The bear was totall covered in the stuff. I can tell you from experience, it's near impossible to wash Desinex off anything, much less a stuffed bear. We ran it through the washer about 10 times and got about 80% of it off. I saved that bear and gave it to him when he got grown and a place of his own..
Well just the other night, my son grabbed a mountain dew that daddy was drinking and pour it all over the table next to daddy's chair. Guess he was telling me to get back to my graduate homework (which is where I am going right now).
haha great stories all.

The only regret I have is I did not get a picture of his face all covered in powder with a big grin on it saying HI DADDY!!! However, long it took me to clean it up. I still love him and will never regret a minute I spend with him.
My oldest Son, now 8, Went into the bathroom and found my girls "panty liners" that have an adhesive back. He removed the tape and stuck them all over the walls in the bathroom. I have 3 females in the house and shop at Sams. All of them nearly killed him. He covered the entire room about 3 ft. high and called me with a big ol grin on his face....... I had to keep my laughter to myself before the ladies saw his masterpiece.......:smile-big:
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