You know how your parents always told you ONE DAY when you have your own kids....payback.
I guess I am getting payback for the story my mom always tells me. When Robert and I(twins) were little we would both leave the front door, go out to the sidewalk and one go each way. We knew she could only follow one of us. When she made her choice the other would double back to get in the refrigerator and make a nice mess.
Well today I put Sean down for his afternoon nap. He kept fighting it and playing around. Finally he went quiet and I thought he was out. WRONG!!!! About 10 min later he opens his door and says Daddy come here please. I go to his room and he is covered in white powder. I turn on his light and his entire room is covered in white powder. He found a bottle of baby powder and must have had a ball. I dont know how he could have fun it was dark in there and he cannot reach the light switch. It took me over an hour to vacuum, wipe down shelves, change his bed sheets, clean all his stuffed animals, ect ect I am covered in white powder and I am sure his room will have a nice coating of it again when it settles. What did confuse me was the "splatter" or "spray" that was 4 feet up the wall. I do not know how this kid did that.
I took a little video of it with my cell phone. I am laughing now but I was at a loss when I saw it.
I guess I am getting payback for the story my mom always tells me. When Robert and I(twins) were little we would both leave the front door, go out to the sidewalk and one go each way. We knew she could only follow one of us. When she made her choice the other would double back to get in the refrigerator and make a nice mess.
Well today I put Sean down for his afternoon nap. He kept fighting it and playing around. Finally he went quiet and I thought he was out. WRONG!!!! About 10 min later he opens his door and says Daddy come here please. I go to his room and he is covered in white powder. I turn on his light and his entire room is covered in white powder. He found a bottle of baby powder and must have had a ball. I dont know how he could have fun it was dark in there and he cannot reach the light switch. It took me over an hour to vacuum, wipe down shelves, change his bed sheets, clean all his stuffed animals, ect ect I am covered in white powder and I am sure his room will have a nice coating of it again when it settles. What did confuse me was the "splatter" or "spray" that was 4 feet up the wall. I do not know how this kid did that.
I took a little video of it with my cell phone. I am laughing now but I was at a loss when I saw it.