Keep me in your thoughts....

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May 15, 2009
Chesapeake, VA
I am not a real open person most of the time but the people here have really become family and I look forward every night to logging on and seeing what people have created and what is happening.

I will be away for a short period starting Friday trying to help my parents deal with a medical problem that popped up last weekend.

My father, a 15 year colon cancer survivor, has shown signs of cancer in his lungs and liver. As you can imagine, at 72 this one is really worrying all of us. My parents vacation in Florida during the winter and they are currently enroute back to Illinois to meet with his doctor on Friday to get a status of the cancer. The doctors in Florida stabilized him enough to travel but right now we know very little other than the fluid that was removed from his chest cavity is malignant in nature and he has some shadowing on his Lung and Liver. We will hopefully find out much more on Friday when he meets with his personal physician that saved his life from the colon cancer.

I will possibly be away for a while trying to help them deal with the red tape and hospital stay but please keep them in your prayers and thoughts. I am concerned and am not ready to loose him yet!

Thanks for listening!! I will try to check in periodically as I can find time.
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IN our thoughts and prayers

Parents are precious. Lost my Dad 17 years ago but Mom still well at 87. Do all you can to support them and we will try to support you with our prayers.
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for you are my praise.
I praise you, mighty Father.
You forgive all my iniquities, and you heal all my diseases.
Thank you, Lord. When I am sick, you send your Word, and it heals me and delivers me from all destructions.
Your Word is life to me, and it brings healing to my flesh.
Thank you for the healing power of your Word, Father.
I will never let it depart from my eyes.
I will keep your Word deeply implanted within my heart.
Praise your name, holy Father.
I love you, and I thank you for healing me and keeping me in good health.
In our thoughts and prayers as well. My Dad who is 79 found out just before Christmas he has advanced prosate cancer and stage 4 lung cancer that has spread through his entire spine. Its been a whirlwind the past several weeks trying to cope and adjust.

I pray yours will have a better outcome.


My prayers have been offered for you, your father and family.

This disease is preventable. I urge everyone to have a colonoscopy at age 50 or at the first sign of anything unusal. It can save your life. I know from experience the ravages of this disease.

My praters are with you and your family. May you find comfort and peace in God's word.
God took my dad home Jan. 21 2010. God's grace is sufficient to help me through this time, He is their for you also.

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