I did some more pen piddling this afternoon. Turned a couple more comfort kits and another slimline from Wood-n-Whimsies. Picked out some paduk, sapele and rosewood from my stash of exotics. This is the first time I've used paduk for anything. Also my first attempt at using CA plus rubbing in the shavings to fill the grain. Not a big blowout or anything but after the last pass with the skew I noticed some "divots" that needed filling.
Still just using my flatbed scanner for the pictures so anything more than about 1/8" off the glass is pretty fuzzy. One trick with a flatbed to get the black background is to leave the lid up and scan with the room lights off (dark room). Gets a black background and as a side benefit, you can find EVERY fleck of dust on both sides of the scanner glass! I didn't bother touching up the pictures.
Still just using my flatbed scanner for the pictures so anything more than about 1/8" off the glass is pretty fuzzy. One trick with a flatbed to get the black background is to leave the lid up and scan with the room lights off (dark room). Gets a black background and as a side benefit, you can find EVERY fleck of dust on both sides of the scanner glass! I didn't bother touching up the pictures.