Just a little humor

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Passed Away July 17, 2022
In Memoriam
Oct 19, 2009
Louisville, KY
IT'S SO HOT IN KENTUCKY ....... ....the birds have to use potholders to pull the worms out of the ground. ....the trees are whistling for the dogs. ....the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance. ....hot water comes from both taps. ....you can make sun tea instantly. ....you learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron. ....the temperature drops below 95 F (35 C) and you feel a little chilly. ....you discover that in July it only takes two fingers to steer your car. ....you discover that you can get sunburned through your car window. ....you actually burn your hand opening the car door. ....you break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 A.M. ....your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death"? ....you realize that asphalt has a liquid stage. ....the potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter. ....the cows are giving evaporated milk. ....farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.
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thats pretty funny.....im feeling for you right now.. i'm up in michigan rightnow and we are just getting out of that kind of weather... we got lucky though last night it got as low as 58' at about 4:30 this morning (cold front) during summerfest is was too hot to even step outside(gotta love when it's 90' and the humidity is the same as the temperature!!). thank the lord for air conditiong!!!!!!!!!
Here's one you missed

Not a joke

Our tomatoes are cooking on the vine--------

Well, here is has been so cold and damp here that my tomatoes and zucchini molded and I just pulled them out and planted winter vegetables in August. Today is the first day that we have had sun in over a month. The sun has been out for almost 7 hours and it feels like a miracle. I'll send you some zucchini if you send me some tomatoes.LOL
It's so hot here that I try to get out to the shop no later than 4:00am so I can get 8 hours in before it hits 90 degrees. This also gives me more time to work on my Decals in the afternoon.
Ernie it was so cool here today we just used a fan at the shop, it's the first time in a month the AC has been shut off. of course we also got 3 inches of rain in an hour and a half. It's the first day we've not had heat advisory in three weeks, I think I'll go put on a sweater.
Ernie it was so cool here today we just used a fan at the shop, it's the first time in a month the AC has been shut off. of course we also got 3 inches of rain in an hour and a half. It's the first day we've not had heat advisory in three weeks, I think I'll go put on a sweater.
You got RAIN????:eek: It's been all around our house but none in MY brown yard:mad:
Ernie it rained most of the day here--------we spend two hours digging a ditch in the rain------Roy asked why when he called------my answer ----whole bunch better than digging when it was hot and dry.
Ernie it rained most of the day here--------we spend two hours digging a ditch in the rain------Roy asked why when he called------my answer ----whole bunch better than digging when it was hot and dry.

Looks like Gary will do anything to "ditch work"!!:biggrin::biggrin:
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