July PITH sign up

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Aug 5, 2009
Millersburg, OR
Ladies and gentlemen it is now the time to sign up for the July PITH. This is also an informational post but go ahead and sign up here.

The rules of this swap are:

To be eligible to participate in any IAP activity the member must have his or her first and last name posted in their profile and be able to be contacted through the IAP's private messaging system or email. The member must have completed all previous IAP activity obligations (i.e. completed SWAPS, forwarded items in chain activities, etc.)

If you sign up for this swap you are obligating yourself to complete it. We understand that things happen and something could come-up that would prohibit you from completing a pen for this swap. If that should happen please immediately inform your swap partner, the event coordinator and the Activities Manager. The sooner you let us know the easier it is to find someone to take your place.

There is a possibility that you will need to ship the pen you make internationally. Be aware that some countries have custom laws that prohibit wood from being shipped into their country. Please take this into consideration if you get paired with someone from another country. If you absolutely can't ship overseas please let me know.

The IAP is made up of individuals of varying levels of skills, abilities and resources. There have been instances in the past where some members who participated in a swap felt that the pen they received was not equal to the pen they provided. If the possibility of receiving a pen from someone who does not possess the same level of skill, ability or resources as you will bother you, please do not sign up.

Now that the rules have been posted, for those of you that are still reading :biggrin: Here are the particulars.
There is no theme, all that is required is to make and send a pen. This is a direct swap, send a pen to someone and they send you one back.

You will have until August 9th to complete your swap. That should give you pretty much all of July to make it and 9 days for it to get there.

Sign ups will continue 24 hours or 80 people. I'll have the list posted give or take on July second so us Canadians can have our day off :biggrin: Other than that sign up, grab some parts and head for the shop.

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Ive never done this before- But I'm taking the Plunge- I'm in

Happy Canada Day to my Canandian friends. For my fellow Americans lets celebrate the 237th Glorious 4th.
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