Jr Gent - NEW mistake (to me)

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Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
I have a Jr. Gent. (Ti Gold, if it matters).

It has the "pecker-end" rollerball. The cap does not go on. It goes as far as the threads, but will not meet. So, I take the "pecker-end" off and test the threads - all ok.

So, I use a fountain pen nib - SAME problem, stops before the threads engage. (an inkle, not a lot).

So, the problem IS in the cap. Has anyone had this??? Did I screw up the top of the black insert (that is the threads)?

Ideas, experiences or just "parts machine".???
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If i read this right, I've had the same problem once.. If it is, the threads in the cap have slid up. I punched off the cap and used a BIG punch to gently push the black part back toward the open end of the top.

Or am I reading this all wrong?
Your reading is fine, Dean.

But not the problem with this one. If I take off the nib, the threads engage fine. It has to be something holding the nib from going in far enough (No the cap is NOT too short - I measured that).
Ya know, it's not that far past April Fools. Are you sure your "significant other" isn't laughing her bootie off on the other side of the door?

My kids taped my bathroom sink faucet shut. When I went to brush my teeth...BOOM! I kinda needed a shower anyway.

Just wished it wouldn't have got all over the ceiling...

Just cusious did you glue the inside of the cap after assembly?

I contaminated a set of threads on a gent kit and was unable to screw it all the way in like you are describing after I did that

Disassemble would be my opinion and try to screw the threaded part over the "pecker" to better understand the issue.


I will end up taking it apart. And I MAY have glued in the threads - many pens, little memory. At one time this must have engaged or it would not have made the "travelling show". Just wondered if anyone has had this issue, before I start knocking it apart.

Thanks for your input!!
Ed I just looked at a Jr. Gent coupler, and with a fountain pen nib, there is still plenty of clearance at the top of the black plastic threaded part of the coupling when the coupling and the grip section are screwed together. There must be .015 all the way around the end where the nib passes through the plastic. some body shove something into your pen cap??
Your reading is fine, Dean.

But not the problem with this one. If I take off the nib, the threads engage fine. It has to be something holding the nib from going in far enough (No the cap is NOT too short - I measured that).

I see now... The answer is obvious at your place - someone filled the cap with resin :)

Seriously - given that reply - i have no better answer than anyone else.. I can't image anything other than disassemble it to figure it out.

And we are now all waiting anxiously to know what you found.
Hi Ed, had this happen to me once a long while back. I took a drill bit that was just a touch smaller dia. than the threads and slid into the cap thru the threads (not quite touching the threads) and turned by HAND. This cleaned the little goober (tech talk) off the plasic insert that was holding up the works. Worked good after that. Hope this will fix your problem.
Probably some flash from the molding operation of the black plastic. Agree with Gary's solution. Should ream out pretty easily.
Has the top been disassembled before? The plastic insert is fairly fragile and
doesn't hold up well to being pushed out, so it could warp enough to make it

.. just an idea

I have a spare if you need one
Ed, I had one like this that a customer brought me. It wasn't one of mine but I had offered to refinish the lower barrel. anyhow I noticed that it had the same problem you described. Something was "binding" up in the cap. Un screw the nib and it would go on fine. The customer told me she had bought it this way....at a healthy discount. I don't know who the turner was but I do know I wouldn't sell ...or give away a pen that was difficult to post. I was going to take it apart but when I took the pen body apart to refinish I discovered that the other turner had glued the fitting in with some ungodly super gripping glue....so I left the cap alone. I do however have an inkling what was wrong....the black plastic sleeve that "dresses" up the inside had been slightly compressed to a diameter to make it hard for the nib to slide past. I have caused this myself when disassembling a Statesman. The punch had distorted the plastic and when pressed back in the end diameter was smaller.
My answer is the same as gary...run a drill bit up inside and ream it out slightly.
Thanks, Guys.

It's in my pocket to take home - I'll try the drill bit first, then, if it does NOT cooperate, we'll do surgery with a hammer!!!

Sometimes this pen-making gets gory!!!
Well, the drill bit up the cap did not do it.

So, the clip was removed, with the finial and a drill bit (larger) was inserted from the top. Took some material off the black insert, but did NOT fix the problem.

Further disassembled -- When the centerband is not on the black threaded piece, everything fits. (black threads go over the pen as it should).

Tonight, I will pursue further.
Sounds almost as if the Tube is out of round. That would explain why the threads will fit when out of the pen but won't when in.....but then you'd have noticed that when fitting the bushing in to turn.....so many questions raised :confused:
OK, I'm going with the centerband out of round theory. Since everything else fits, without the centerband.

The pen has been retired. When my shipment of CSUSA arrives, it will get a new suit and all will be well. To those who did not believe my post saying I NEVER have returned a kit, this would be the time I might, but a $10 kit, to ship back, etc.........
It just AIN'T gonna happen.

But, it WAS defective.
OK, I'm going with the centerband out of round theory. Since everything else fits, without the centerband.

The pen has been retired. When my shipment of CSUSA arrives, it will get a new suit and all will be well. To those who did not believe my post saying I NEVER have returned a kit, this would be the time I might, but a $10 kit, to ship back, etc.........
It just AIN'T gonna happen.

But, it WAS defective.

Time for small explosives.

might not actually fix anything, but it feels better..
I had the same problem on a jr. gent and a majestic jr. Nothing I did would fix it. And with that plastic insert that has the internal threads I'm afraid to try and take it apart.
I had the same problem on a jr. gent and a majestic jr. Nothing I did would fix it. And with that plastic insert that has the internal threads I'm afraid to try and take it apart.

If it gives you any greater confidence, I have disassembled probably half a dozen of the Jr. Gents. Never damaged that little black piece.

But I do use a punch that "just fits" the hole, so it will spread the shock over a greater surface area when I "tap" it with the hammer.

When CS USA went to the pecker point, there was a least one batch of parts with this problem. I sent back a half dozen kits back then. Call them. They send a free replacement and won't ask you to return the defective kit.
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