So, after sitting on it for a few months and seeing the photo on the main page, I finally got the motovation to do the jigsaw puzzle kit I got from CSUSA, on a Jr Gent II with a CA finish.
I think it came out very nice, and I am happy with it. I feel it's the nicest pen I have in my "collection" so far.
When I am showing people my pens, I start with various different smaller and more basic pens, and build to some of the more interesting bigger ones. And now I am handing them the jigsaw pen as the last one (my showcase, so to speak). The only thing is, I hand it to them, they look at it for a second and hand it right back to me like I just gave them something along the lines of a Bic.
Even after explaining the specifics about the pen (20 different woods, 36 individual wooden pieces, yada yada yada) I don't think people are grasping what went into the creation of the pen (even if Kallenshaan cut all the pieces for me/us/csusa). I feel they look at and think it's really just some kind of printed on design or made out of plastic, or that it is somehow "fake". Because they always go back to the straight-up woods or laminates, or even the snake stuff too. I just got a stars and stripes inlay from Lazerlinez and expect the same thing when I finish it.
Am I the only one that sees that kind of thing?
I think it came out very nice, and I am happy with it. I feel it's the nicest pen I have in my "collection" so far.
When I am showing people my pens, I start with various different smaller and more basic pens, and build to some of the more interesting bigger ones. And now I am handing them the jigsaw pen as the last one (my showcase, so to speak). The only thing is, I hand it to them, they look at it for a second and hand it right back to me like I just gave them something along the lines of a Bic.
Even after explaining the specifics about the pen (20 different woods, 36 individual wooden pieces, yada yada yada) I don't think people are grasping what went into the creation of the pen (even if Kallenshaan cut all the pieces for me/us/csusa). I feel they look at and think it's really just some kind of printed on design or made out of plastic, or that it is somehow "fake". Because they always go back to the straight-up woods or laminates, or even the snake stuff too. I just got a stars and stripes inlay from Lazerlinez and expect the same thing when I finish it.
Am I the only one that sees that kind of thing?