Hi All,
Well It's my turn. The switch has been acting up for a few weeks now. Tonight it failed, right in the middle of turning a pen. When I was done with the pen, I took the switch out of the housing (this is a VS). It is made in such a way that it can be disassembled fairly easy. So I did. It's not the first time I have repaired a cheap toggle switch. The rocker under the toggle was out of place and goobered up with carbon. It is also slightly damaged, so this repair may only be temporary. I did what I could to get it back into position. It works for now. In the meantime, I'll contact Jet and see if I can get them to send me a replacement. Wish me luck.
Well It's my turn. The switch has been acting up for a few weeks now. Tonight it failed, right in the middle of turning a pen. When I was done with the pen, I took the switch out of the housing (this is a VS). It is made in such a way that it can be disassembled fairly easy. So I did. It's not the first time I have repaired a cheap toggle switch. The rocker under the toggle was out of place and goobered up with carbon. It is also slightly damaged, so this repair may only be temporary. I did what I could to get it back into position. It works for now. In the meantime, I'll contact Jet and see if I can get them to send me a replacement. Wish me luck.