I have been turning pens between centers and initially had no issues but recently i have noticed the blanks coming off the lathe slightly out of round. not sure if i inadvertently did something or not? if i put my 60 deg cone in the tailstock and a similar but smaller cone into the headstock and slide them together the points seem to be very slightly off. At first i was getting great results turning my pens between centers but now the alignment seems to be slightly off. is there a way to adjust the head or tailstock so the points line up? Or is there a different issue? i use TBC bushings when i can and use their TBC adapters for kits i do not have TBC bushing for. Again i did not have any issues when i started turning between centers either using TBC bushings or the adapters for regular bushing when i started about a year ago.
Just looking for some help. appreciate any help/advice i can get. thank you
Just looking for some help. appreciate any help/advice i can get. thank you