I've got Trouble !!!

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Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
Hi All .
This is my new cat , Trouble , the name just seems to fit . He is a 3 month old feral cat . He was born in the woods behind the place I work at . I've been feeding his mother for about a year and a half and her mother for awhile before that .This guy is the only one that I'm friendly with , his mother will let me pet her but only if I have food for her . Trouble decided he liked me and started coming to me to pet him and scratch his neck and ears .
A couple of weeks ago Grandma cat was killed by the UPS driver when she ran in front of his truck so I decided that I could at least help give him a better life so I picked him up and put him in a carrier , with no problems I might add , and brought him for a check up then home . He is a very good kitten , he took to the litterbox without a problem the first night he was here .
We have another cat named Angel who is being anything but ... she hisses at him whenever she sees him and at me for bringing him here . She will get used to him , soon I hope , as soon as she sees he's not a threat .... I hope .



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Hey Butch! Great looking cat and great story behind him. That is great that you took him in and I know you'll give him a great home. Don't worry about Angel, I'm sure she'll come around :)
Great rescue!! :cat: I rescued Cujo (my cat) about 12 years ago and he has been the BEST :cat: ever!! He even gets along with my 4 mini Daschunds.
I am on my sixth rescue cat. My latest is around the same age. He likes to climb up and down our leg, which is fine if you are wearing pants, lol.
Butch, thank you for rescuing this little guy, he's a cutie and I love his name. If you haven't already, you might check around and see if there is a vet in your area that spays, neuters feral cats for free or a very discounted price. Maybe you can catch the momma cat with a cat trap and get her fixed. Good luck with your new addition.
Butch, Enjoy. And coming from experience the cats will be getting along just fine with time. they take a bit longer that most animals, but do come around.
I rescued two kittens a few years ago. Now, the little female loves to sit under my lathe while I'm turning a bowl. She loves to get covered with shavings until you can't see her any more. Then she pounces and attacks your feet.
Over the years I have taken in strays before but this is a first feral . Normally it don't work too well with them because they just want OUT , but this time is a little different , Trouble WANTS to be with me . It was his choice to adopt me and the fact that he let me put him in the carrier and did not put up a fight I think will make all the difference in the world for him . He trusts me and so far he seems to be very happy . He has started warming up to my wife Dot and the boys although we are making them keep their distance so he don't feel threatened or afraid .
I tried on several occasions to catch his mother "Bandit" , I named her that (before I knew she was a she) because she stole my heart ...and she looks like she is wearing a Zorro mask (she's Black and White) the name just fit , but she managed to get away from me and rather then alienate her I just kept feeding her , as long as she stays safe I can keep her fed so she is still with me . So far as I know , I'm the only human she has ever let get close enough to pet her but she only trusts me just so far . If she ever let's me get close enough to bring her home , I'm going to do just that .
Angel is the main problem right now . I have never seen her act this way before . We are keeping them separate for the time being and will let her get used to Trouble slowly . I sure with enough patience and love she will come around .
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Glad you took him in. We also had a "Trouble" cat years ago. Nursed on his own tail and was ALWAYS in trouble. Swallowing thread with a needle attached, falling off a table inside a box breaking his hip, etc. Was my daughters cat.
Thanks again everyone . Trouble is adjusting to his new life very well , he has connected with my wife and is getting used to seeing the boys and for the first time in his life he has a full little belly . He has a loud purr for a little cat and is learning how to use it . Tommorow he gets to see the rest of the house and Angel gets to check out the bedroom and his scent which I'm hoping will help her feel a little less threatened by him .
Roy , Thanks for that link . There's allot of good information there for anyone who didn't know what a feral cat is and anyone thinking of trying to catch and tame one .
Tim , Trouble just seems to fit him , at my store he would come into the install bays and climb up on my workbench and generally get into trouble , and I don't see him changing here at home .
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