I've got a lump in my jar.

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Mar 23, 2006
Paddock Lake, WI USA.
I cut up some, what I thought was, plexiglass to make Plexi solution for stablization and trying a plexi finish. I put it in my jar and added the acetone. It turns out that it must have been polycarbonate. I've got a lump in a jar. [xx(][B)][:0] Oh well, live and learn.
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About a day. There is a good amount of acetone in the jar.

The sad thing is many years ago, my Mom worked for a plexiglass company. She has plenty of scraps downstairs. I was up there yesterday and didn't grab any.
Chris, I did my first mix last week and the same thing happened. What I did was put the jar at an angle for about an hour then shook it about every hour. I still had to add more acetone, ended up with about one and a half of the amount that I started with so I divided it up in two jars a little more than 2/3 full each. After that it has remained liquid but no more lumps or thick sludge in the bottom. Word of caution; when you shake the jar it will build up some pressure so be careful when you open it. Also the acetone will disolve the redish gasket on the mason jars DAMHIKT. Good luck
When the mixture is as thick as you want, pour it into another jar. If there is still a glob in the bottom leave it and when you need more pour more acetone in it and start the process all over. It may take a few days to melt and absorb enough plexi to do the job.
It usually takes 2-3 days to fully dissolve, don't give up yet. Be careful if you decide to stir the mixture, <s>I</s> my friend splashed some up into his face. luckily <s>I</s> he was wearing a full face shield.


Mostro - it also dissolves the gray seal, according to my friend.[;)]
Same advice .. be patient. I got a lump on first day, second day was a thick layer in the bottom of jar, stirred with old screwdrive (carefully) and by 3rd or 4th day, a nice clear solution about viscosity of light Karo syrup.
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