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May 5, 2011
Chattanooga, TN
First off hats off to Wayne, who published my "tutorial" here within 3 or 4 hours of me submitting it to him. I got my inspiration from Dan's recent post on video ideas and Chuck's (Dalecamino) response. While not a video, I was inspired to write a tutorial on what I do with blank cut-offs. On the home page click on "What's New" and scroll to the bottom. Or just click this link. http://content.penturners.org/library/pen_blanks/irregular_segmented.pdf

Comments, critiques and suggestions welcome.

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Great idea. However, just how accurate is your disc sander? I am not sure my delta 6 inch is up for the job. What would you suggest as a "good to great" disc sander?

Brian, you don't need accuracy in your disc sander to be able to do this. You want the table about 1 degree off of square. No need to be precise. Can't give you a recommendation on a disc sander. Mine is a Shopsmith setup. Good luck.
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