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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
Well friends, it looks like prayers were answered! My dad's surgery went well and it IS NOT CANCER!!

The surgeon said that what they saw on the CT scan was an abscess on his lung. They took tissue samples and they came back clear! He said that he most likely has had pneumonia for a couple of weeks and did not realize the signs. The pneumonia caused an abscess (hole) in his lung and was spewing "gunk" out of his lung every time he breathed. This "gunk" built up in his chest cavity which compressed and deflated a portion of his lung which caused the severed pain. This is the stuff they went in today to remove.

I find it truly amazing that 3 different radiologists, one surgeon, and one pulmonologist were 95% certain it was cancer based on the CT scans last week. We even had the 2 different scans reviewed and contrasted and they still thought cancer. Either 5 Drs. were wrong or our prayers were answered! I tend to believe the later!

The surgery went well and he is in the ICU tonight and will be moved to IMC tomorrow. They said they will have him up and walking around this evening and should be able to go home in 5 days or so if all continues to go well.

I have been there with him at the hospital every day since last Friday from early morning to 11pm each night. Today, after the surgery, I came home during the day for the first time in nearly a week! Needless to say, I am tired!

THANK YOU ALL so very much for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers! I sincerely appreciate it!
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Some time ago, two doctors assured me I would die that night, I told them, "That's NOT your decision!" This is another of those cases.

Your dad will realize he has unfinished business, just live every day aware of opportunities.

Ever so glad to hear he will recover!!!
I agree with you Curtis, He was healed by a very wonderful God!!!
Of course the Dr's will usually not admit the he was healed only that somehow they misread everything.
I will continue to pray for you and all of your family.
We belong to a wonderful family--The Family of God.
I find it truly amazing that 3 different radiologists, one surgeon, and one pulmonologist were 95% certain it was cancer based on the CT scans last week. We even had the 2 different scans reviewed and contrasted and they still thought cancer. Either 5 Drs. were wrong or our prayers were answered! I tend to believe the later!
Curtis, I am glad to hear the good news.

Your quote above is more proof that doctors only "practice" medicine, they haven't perfected it yet.

Get some good rest, it sounds like you need it.
Thank God.
I won't go into my personal feelings about some in the medical profession.
Take a nap Curtis and then enjoy your Pop.
Great News! Now like everyone said... get some needed rest - and go back and share some more time with your dad now that some of the stress is gone.... We'll all still be here when you return :)
Great News! Now like everyone said... get some needed rest - and go back and share some more time with your dad now that some of the stress is gone.... We'll all still be here when you return :)

Don't worry, I will be back there tomorrow afternoon. I am keeping the nurses and Drs. in line. I have had to stay on their butt sometime to get stuff done. I am sure they are sick of me. I try to not be a jerk but damnit, they are gonna take good care of my dad if I have any say!
Wonderful news!!! I have a dear friend, who's probably 10 years younger than your Dad, that just went through the same darn thing. Just goes to show, they know a lot, but not everything! Glad it worked out so well for your Dad.

Rest my friend, I'm so glad to hear that things are getting better for you and your family.
Great News!! I have an employee with similar symptoms. I hope she is as fortunate. Times like these really make you rethink your priorities. I am very happy for You Curtis.
Glad to read of the good news. Tell your dad that all will be better now.

Maybe the two of you ought to go fishing to celebrate (when he is up to it of course.) Now would be a good time for you to make him a fly rod ...

Congratulations and I wish him a speedy recovery!

Great news, Prayers work, Now get some much need and deserved rest have a nice breakfast in the morning and go spend the day with you dad in a rested and relaxed manner.
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Now that is some great news. Prayers do work. I am so glad for you and your family. Your Dad has alot more livin to do. Get some rest.
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