It's my anniversary!

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Passed Away Mar 3, 2016
In Memoriam
Aug 22, 2004
On July 29, 2004 I made a pen and pencil set at the Woodcraft in Springfiel, VA. The class cost $90. For my $90 I enjoyed an evening out and at the end of the evening I had a cocobolo set that not only worked, but looked pretty good, considering I have no talent and had never been a woodworker. I also made close friends with the instructor, Rod, who took the time to make sure I had at least a modicum of success. An evening of entertainment, a new pen and pencil and a new friend for $90? Seems like bargain, to me. Rod and I have maintained that friendship over the years.

I let a few weeks pass, figuring that the last thing I needed was a hobby that required skill. For some reason, on the evening of August 22, I searched the internet to see if there were any places, beyond Woodcraft, that had "pen stuff". One of the first sites I found was (Arizona Silhouette). Wow! I had no idea that there was so much "stuff", and Bill's "eye candy" really caught my eye. I bookmarked that site, although I still didn't think I would ever make pen #2.

The next site I found was . Little did I know, but I had found the pen making "grail". I read each of Russ's articles on making pens (The Slime-Line, The Fat-Line, The Russ-Line, etc.). Of course, with the pictures, I was quite certain that I would not be able to master the requisite skills to ever make pens seriously. Again, I bookmarked the site.

At that point, I remembered seeing some links on the Arizona Silhouette site, so I went back and clicked on a link to . The first thing to strike me was "Hmm, this looks like an easy site to read." It sure is a lot easier to follow than the BBS's I had "grown up" with. I spent at least an hour reading. The more I read, the more my interest grew.

Of course, education has it's drawbacks. I suddenly had questions. In order to ask questions, I had to become a member. Dang! I hate to pay to join an organization just to ask a few questions. But wait! Membership is "free". So, danged long story just slightly shorter, I joined on August 22, 2004. I also posted my first questions. (I didn't even introduce myself!)

Within a few minutes, I noticed that folks were actually welcoming me to the group. Wait! Why the heck were they welcoming me? With all due respect to Groucho Marx, "I DON'T WANT TO BELONG TO ANY CLUB THAT WILL ACCEPT PEOPLE LIKE ME AS A MEMBER."

Scott Greaves welcomed me. Then Jeff Brown. Old Griz. Kenn Osbourne. Bill Young. Russ Fairfield. (Russ Fairfield? Isn't he the guy who wrote all of those articles?) it's_virgil (I thought they called him Mr. Tibbs). Penworks. Eaglesc. Bev Polmanteer. Daniel. And the welcoming notes kept coming.

Then the answers started rolling in. Answers to questions I asked and answers to questions I should have asked. Answers to questions I didn't know needed asking.

Needless to say, I came back. Regularly. And frequently. And I added a cyber-family.

And I am learning to make a better pen, thanks to you all.

They say it takes 10 years to master a skill. Four years in, I'm finding that's probably about right. I hope you good folks don't mind me hanging around for another six least.

A special word of thanks is needed. Jeff, thank you for keeping the site going, for making it better and better and for all of the things you do behind the scene that benefit people like me. None of us would be here if not for you.
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Happy Anniversary, Lou! If I have any say (which I don't), I hope they let you hang around a few more years. With what you do now, I can't wait to see what it might become when you make 'expert' status!:biggrin:
Funny today is my anniversary as well but not to IAP to my lovely bride of 27 years! But I must agree this is a pretty cool site with lots of helpful folks who make even us rookies feel welcome.
I still didn't think I would ever make pen #2.

And what is really funny is you now have a few web sites, you have nibs made specific for you and import them. You set up at pen shows. You now own mustard.
I bet you have even looked into a CNC machine in those four years.

And now in the last year you have befriended Linda, boy are you doomed for life!:beat-up:

Congrats my friend and as with everyone else we hope many more to come.

You mean to tell me that we put up with you for how long? :biggrin:
so lou, when you first came here you knew nothing eh, 4 years ago, nothing has changed then :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: sorry friend i couldnt resist, seriously though happy anniversary, and we hope you do stay for a long time to come:beer::beer::beer::beer:
Lou, please stick around another decade or so. We need your trivia!
And to think I'm only 21 months behind you but light years behind in skill.
If it was the 5th, you could be a traditionalist and give yourself a wood pen, but the gift for the 4th is supposed to be flowers. so perhaps you could do a floral design for yourself.

Happy Day!!
Thank you, friends. Do yourself a favor. Watch for your own anniversary. Think back on all you have learned, all you have met, all you have gained. Also think about all you have given. It's a great feeling.
Lou .. thanks for taking the time to tell us "your story". It was really interesting reading. I had no idea that your pen making career began at WC with a guy named "Rod". Happy Anniversary!
Reading your post, I thought you were describing my entry into the penturning world. My experience has been in almost the exact sequence. I joined about the same time and feel I know you well, thnks to your active participation, here.
Congrats on your anniversary, wish you many more and hope to be here to watch you hit your 10th.
3022 posts in 4 years. Thats a lot of questions and now answers. Happy 4th, lou. You already know what I think of you work and your drive to help others. Personally, I think you have become one of the leaders of this cyber family and hope I make it to see your next six.:):)
Congrats,Lou. You`re right it is a great site.......I signed 0n today to just scan the site, no comments no fuss and here it is 2 hours later and I`m replying to a post.........Oh well such is life. btw I thank you for what I`ve learned from you. Hope to someday meet you. Once again congrats from down south.
Congrats Lou. As well as me and everybdy else here, I can think of someone else that was very glad you were here too:wink:

You've been an inspiration to a lot of us and hope you continue sharing (and stay with us) long after your 10th year anniversary.
What can I say in addition that everyone has said my friend, Happy Anniversary!

Thank you for answering such simple questions from beginners such a me. Your willingness to share, your willingness to encourage others, your willingness to lead others shows how great a gentleman you are!
...and thanks for TSW and steel flex nibs.! You and I, along with several others, have seen this place evolve into the great community it is today. Thanks for the role you've had in the evolution of IAP and

Do a good turn daily!
Ahhh, I remember that day well!

Well, maybe not. But I do remember most every day I visit here being glad you joined, whenever that was, way back when . . .

Ahhh, I remember that day well!

Well, maybe not. But I do remember most every day I visit here being glad you joined, whenever that was, way back when . . .


:eek: Wow! what a suck up!
Lou, has it been that long? I remember when I first saw your username, it stuck with me.
I have this thought in the back of my head that got put there right from the start of you in some smoky bar playing the blues and sneaking of during breaks to turn pens lol.
man a lot of rail has passed under the train in that time. I am glad you are still here and hope to say that again in another 4 years or 16.
I know you have put in your share of sweat as well, and the group is a much better place for it. so thank you.
Happy Anniversary Lou! :)

The art of pen making has come a long way since those first posts on the IAP. You and the others have been a big part of that. I am sure that when you came to the IAP on the that first day you had no idea where this path would lead. Nor how many wonderful friends you would make along the way. But, stick around for a while. The best is yet to come.

BTW, are you sure that the ten year mastery figure is right? :eek:
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Happy anniversary Lou,
I have been turning a little bit shorter time than you but I was a lost babe in the woods until I found this site. Your work is an inspiration to me to do better.
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