It's HOT!!!!

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Jul 13, 2007
Martinsburg, WV, USA.
Now everyone knows it's hot outside, but I'm talking about in my house.

Yep, the blower motor on the AC bought the big one Monday afternoon. We just got the repairman in this morning to pull it out. Problem is, it's so old he hasn't ever seen one like it and doesn't know if he can find a new one. If so, he thinks it will last a year or so due to the old wiring.

So now I've got to get a quote on replacing the entire system, or buy a bunch of window units.

Anyone have some advice?

I like the Mitsubishi units that are out now, but don't know that I'll have the funds for them or a new system right now. Window units aren't the best solution I know, but they are relatively cheap, and work.
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Mike, it may be little hard to do it now ,but my neighbor had the same problem. He replaced the whole thing, you should be able to get rebate from your electric company and the Gov. and when it gets cold you get another rebate from the electric company for the furnace. In a way they put the money in your account so you won't pay them for a month or two then you can pay that money towards your AC unit. By buying the window unit your just patching the problem temporarily.
Sorry to hear that Mike, I know it's expensive, but I think with the Gov rebates and energy credits you're better off getting a new central unit.
Well, wifey made me go out and get a couple window units to at least tide us over. So far they haven't been ab;e to find the part, and one of the conductor's on the train was telling me that there may be a new regulation preventing them from swapping parts from another unit (forces you to buy a new unit to encourage business/better efficient units).

So for now, I have three 12000 BTU AC's in the house placed strategically. The temp is back down to tolerable in the worst ares and pleasant where the ACs are located.

Got the first guy in to price a new system today, and while I don't have a quote yet, he ballparked it at about $6-7k which may be more than I can afford this summer.
My AC went out Tuesday. It turns out the capacitor and the compressor are bad. They had to order a compressor in. Hopefully it gets installed today
If possible take the motor to a rewind shop. They can rebuild most motors in a week or so. Cost effective for now. Then save towards a new unit. Good Luck.
Well, wifey made me go out and get a couple window units to at least tide us over. So far they haven't been ab;e to find the part, and one of the conductor's on the train was telling me that there may be a new regulation preventing them from swapping parts from another unit (forces you to buy a new unit to encourage business/better efficient units).

So for now, I have three 12000 BTU AC's in the house placed strategically. The temp is back down to tolerable in the worst ares and pleasant where the ACs are located.

Got the first guy in to price a new system today, and while I don't have a quote yet, he ballparked it at about $6-7k which may be more than I can afford this summer.

Mike, Had the same thing happen to me at the beginning of the Summer. I opted for the new unit. Energy efficient and it cools the house much better than the old unit ever did.

I am more than happy that I did it!! You will be also.

The estimate is ballpark also. Don't skimp. It will pay off in comfort and resale if you end up selling anytime soon.
I don't know about WV but here in GA the repair man gets a lot more money if he can talk the homeowner into buying a whole new system. I have replaced capacitors and condenser fan motors to repair friends air conditioners that a repair man said the whole unit needed to be changed. I also work with and ac man that has told me many stories about his boss pushing new systems. I would really think about finding a new motor, from a place like Grainger, or having the motor rewound as said before.

just my $.02

okay, second contractor came in, and he is the one that pulled the blower motor. He says that there is mold throughout the old system (what we thought was dust around the vents he claims is mold) and that the blower motor was full of it. If you saw our intake filter, you'd know why I think it's dust.

I should have his quote in a couple days. Now, I'm not sure if he is planning on replacing all the ducting, which should be the case if there is mold, but he says everything in the attic needs to be ripped out and replaced.
Go to home depot and get Mold armor do-it yourself test kits. they run a little over $10.00 each and you'll have your answer in 48 hours. I would not trust an ac guy with this. How did he determine it was mold? Did he do any tests or just look at it?
no tests were done in my presence. They do have the blower motor though, so could have tested it at their shop. I don't know.

I've been doing more research on the ductless "Mini-Split" systems and think that may be the way I want to go anyway. That way I can replace the heating at the same time(we currently have baseboards) and have zoned temps.
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