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Karin Voorhis

Nov 6, 2009
Angola, NY
I'm in a funk and it's the fault of you all here at IAP. Ok I am just a hobby turning and I love it! No thanks to you all I have 5 million new ideas I want to try! Why am I in a funk? Remember here I said funk not ungrateful that's the big key here. Its nice to have a Hobby that pays for itself. However I have some custom orders that are with my laser not pen related at all but at least still involve wood. I know many would love to have a laser and perhaps we can work out a major trade. I don't want it. It's not what gets me going my day job is computer tech!!!! I thought I would love it and did but then I learned to turn and well here I am in a funk . So the way I figure it. Someone here needs to figure out how to fix this funk. I only have a few days left!!! BTW: Am I the only one this happens too?
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Practice your handwriting for a while. Use fountain pens, rollerballs, ballpoints, etc.

You'll start thinking of things and getting excited again!
I am excited and I have over 5 million ideas but these people around me do not understand and they want me to laser Christmas gifts and stuff... which leaves me with no time to turn and play with my ideas!!
Buy a high end kit and blank. While they come.
Suck it up. Grind through the laser job.
Then when you are done reward yourself by turning a nice pen for yourself.

Make it a FP

I wish i could talk you out of that laser, but i have nothing to offer... so:

offer to laser pens here for people in trade for blanks, kits, and other goodies. That will benefit you in two or three ways. you get to look at other turners work and compare your skill level to others, and you are using your laser for turning related things, plus offering a handy service here.

IAP..... the Funk Maker!

like the Mentos commercials!!!
I knew this was going to be my first wild crazy post. my PM box is filling up and my email too. LOL!! Its not hard at all to talk me out of laser here. I would Love to barter it for some great shop stuff and Pen turning stuff blanks at all. I would not like to barter using it. The catch would be you would have to pick it up. I could care less of value matching whatever you feel its worth. I seem to have something I don't want and lots of people here have things I do want. I am all about being happy in my shop. I am a legal business but I did that for craft shows and stuff for my pleasure. I have the job that pays my bills my shop is my place to hide out and have fun playing. weather I am any good is irrelevant as long as I am happy and having fun.

Good luck with it, I would love to trade you pen stuff for it, but at the moement I dont have anything that would be worth the trade to you, I am an ex-tech myself, been doing it 20+ years, and last year finally closed up shop in the red close to 60k.

Doing pen stuff now to try to make a few bucks, and would love to pick up a laser as well, IT in illinois is dead..

IT everywhere is dead sorry to hear that for you. I have a friend that is out of work and ready to loose everything its rough out there right now.
I am lucky work in college education environment and add to that I am the hardware end more than software I am doing ok there.
I am in the as of an hr ago snowy Buffalo NY area. We are getting pelted and I am here just wishing I had these orders done with the laser so I could go turn. Almost there got lost done but still need some motivation. I really am looking forward to just turning and Will be giving the laser a new home for sure since I am unable to say no when people ask me to do things.
Im in south Florida so a quick jaunt over the river and through the woods doesnt look likely. I wont tell you the tempeture or forecast but it doesnt include snow.

Before abandoning your laser I'd recommend two things: first, see how you can combine the two. Consider interesting inlay work you can do by cutting the design with the laser and filling with either precious or semiprecious stone or other coloring techniques. Consider the personalization of custom turned pens. Second, as a fellow tech professional it is always good to have capabilities to fall back on in case the job goes south. That laser can definitely help you pay bills (or for other things you enjoy but might not otherwise afford). One thing I've learned is that one should never, ever let use of a valuable tool.

All the best, Joe
Here is an idea, why not quit taking orders for laser work? Finish the orders you have and stop. Turning for me is my entertainment, I do not do it for profit, I have had people ask why I dont sell more. I sell a few things here and there but do not want it to turn into a job, otherwise I may also get sucked into a funk. Your laser sounds like what most of us only wish we had, then again we dont have one and aren't stuck having to fill orders because of it. If I were to ever obtain a laser, I would strive to keep it a hobby. Dont know if any of this helps but I would at least slow down so you dont do anything crazy.
Wow you all are very much helpful. I so excited very much so. Many of you might think I am really crazy although I just talked to a member and we all here at IAP will be benfits from the Trade I just made. Not a dime of money exchanged will be a part of this deal but My laser has found a new home and I will be in a new area of art and turning all includes pens on both sides. I hope this post makes sense and Trust me IAP IS THE BEST PLACE AND HAS AT LEAST 2 very happy members as of tonight.
Trust me IAP IS THE BEST PLACE AND HAS AT LEAST 2 very happy members as of tonight.

Make that three!!

Oh wait .. one of them was me!! :tongue::tongue:

I will soon be learning how to use a laser. The first thing I will do is open the
cover and experiment with Self Lasik. After that, I'll try reading the warnings
in the front of the manual. Real men don't need directions.

I've got to go start packing up things from the shop.
This is gonna be great! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
When I first got the laser about 6 different people asked for tats... Sick very sick people I know. Only I didn't know that until they wanted me to burn them up. At 120 lbs I didn't think I could hold them down!!! Lol
I can help cut down your lazer buisness, if you really don't like doing it.It is very simple (go up on your prices), and if all else fails put back all that extra money that you make by going up on your prices and build a bigger more complete(toys) shop or send me some $ or buy a bigger lathe and give me your old one . Its easy. I just wish I had your problem.
Make that three!!

Oh wait .. one of them was me!! :tongue::tongue:

I will soon be learning how to use a laser. The first thing I will do is open the
cover and experiment with Self Lasik. After that, I'll try reading the warnings
in the front of the manual. Real men don't need directions.

I've got to go start packing up things from the shop.
This is gonna be great! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Congratulations Charlie AND Karin ! I look for good things to happen from this deal . :biggrin:
Congratulations Charlie AND Karin ! I look for good things to happen from this deal . :biggrin:

Me too! Once I learn to use it.. :biggrin:
I'm anticipating a steep learning curve to get good at it though.
And I can already see it .. too many ideas, not enough time!
Yes well we both have some learning curves I will do my best to help you out. I am thinking the world is going to be overflowing with blanks and lasered everything. Your first lesson. Do Not laser a hotdog why? becuase it will stink really bad and you will be out of your shop for a couple days. However it was really cool. A friend Liked a girl that owns a hotdog stand on the corner in the city. What better way to impress her. I engraved his name and phone number on a hot dog! She will never forget him thats for sure! True story that is how you learn and you do not have to learn any crazy mistakes I have. LOL
Oh but if you want to makes some money. CO2 lasers are safe very highend Very Highend resturants lasers logos into the stakes and stuff. What you where not thinking of using this laser for PENS???? thats just crazy!!!! hahaha
Ok just when I thought I had my issues solved and ready to turn! Not even close! Now I am redoing my shop and getting my home ready for my new lathe that comes Saturday as well as Looking to see how to redo somethings and get ready for Charlies arrival and such! wow Someday I will turn again. Yes someday. But wow did I find a lot of things that I thought went missing. So lets see here I either OWE Charlie for finding all the missing things or He is at fualt for me doing everything else in the shop but turn right now. The compensation is I dont think he is getting a lot of turning in at the moment!!! LOL!!!!
The compensation is I dont think he is getting a lot of turning in at the moment!!! LOL!!!!

Hell, no. I'm too busy packing things and finding all the tools I bought again
because I couldn't find them. I've got all sorts of boxes, nooks and crannies..

Hey! I think I found the Lindbergh Baby!

Hey! I think I found the Lindbergh Baby!

Well I found Jack The Ripper he was hiding behind a heavy work bench that I moved so we would get laser out with ease. and wow the other stuff I found was cool enough to make more trades later. As well as no power for the most part here as A winter storm has hit us so no power means for some silly reason my Jet won't turn on:eek:.... ??????? Does that metal lathe of yours work with no power by any chance? :biggrin:
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