IS Purpleheart hard to turn

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Apr 8, 2008
Keenesburg, CO
I'm trying to turn a confetti lamp from a block of purpleheart. However, I keep getting big chips flying out when using my roughing gouge. It is pretty round and I'm not(I don't think I am) pushing the tool into the wood; but as some shavings come off every now and then I get a catch.
Is purpleheart really hard wood to turn?
Maybe I got a junky piece of wood?
I shapen my tools often; they seem to dull fast. I know I've got 'cheap' tools right now that I'm using. Maybe that is the issue.
any thoughts?
Thanks for your guidance.
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I've only made a pen out of purple heart but I didn't notice any problems when turning it. Is the grain of the purple heart length wise on the lathe? If not you would be better off with a bowl gouge.
AHHHH !!!!! the grain is vertical on the lathe. Guess, I better get my bowl gouge out. this makes sense to me. Thanks Dale.
You may be cutting into the grain. With some woods that can cause chips, especially with a roughing gouge. Use a spindle gouge or a skew and make sure they as sharp as possible. And if the grain is running at right angles to the axis then use only a sharp bowl gouge.

Oops, I see you've figured that out.
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