Hi guys! I'm still alive, but it's been a trying few weeks, to say the least. With the nephew moving in and the shop re-org/expand it was bad enough, but this last week has been disaster.
Last Monday, we had a really nasty windstorm. On the Box Elder tree in the back yard, the big limb (13" through and realllllly long) that I'd been worried about finally went. Thank God that the wind was blowing from a fairly different direction than normal or it would have been a mess. As it stands, there's some damage to the house, but not bad.
Could have been a lot worse, but it's still a lot of clean up, and now the main tree needs to come down since it split in the crotch, and the main 100+ foot tree is compromised and leaning towards the house. That's going to be a chore, as I have to get my truck into the field on the other side of the creek to cable some tension on the tree that will allow us to fall it into the creek and not my master bedroom. I'm just praying for some good flame inside! [B)][V][^]
As if that wasn't bad enough, I was informed in the middle of the week that I'm about to go through a divorce, which was a crusher. The wife and kids moved back out to Seattle to get us set up there while I wrapped things up here. That was 11 months ago, and it's been pretty hard for me here, I've been missing them a lot. Apparently I took to long to finish up here, but I couldn't leave without taking care of all of the things that needed done. It's kind of a long story, and I don't have the heart to say much more right now, but the whole week's been one long crap sandwich.
I'd really appreciate your prayers over the next few weeks as I get through this. A divorce was definitely NOT on my to-do list, and I'm not even sure where to start...er...finish. *sigh* [V] I guess the upside is that I can quit focusing on stressing about finishing the house remodel and concentrate on pouring myself into the business. I'm going to do a ton of shipping this week to get caught up, and I've finally got some more stock to list for sale this evening. It's been building up on me pretty good.
You guys are the pretty much my only friends right now (I don't get out much), so I'm going to be leaning on you a little more than normal for a while, and I'm thankful for that outlet and support.
