is it worth it scroll saw

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Looks like an old Dremel. I had one many years ago and it was junk. It vibrated like a paint mixer, even bolted down.
Ive used old and new over the past 20 years with success on both. The big thing is what your going to use it for and how much your going to use it. You will want to make sure you can use straight blades and not just pin blades, or you will never be able to make a small inner cut. If your strapped for cash and this is a big savings, do what works for you. If its not and you need to wait a month or so, wait and go for a new one. You can get one at Menards for less than $100 and it would be modern so you would be able to do what ever you needed with it. Sometimes you can even get a factory refurbished with a warranty for a good price. Just google.
The main question I have is. "is it variable speed"? If not run away FAST!!!

I have had a two speed Dremel (TOO fast or TOO slow!!) and a POS Delta. (Hated it!!) Got a DeWalt 788 and it is the BOMB!!

IMNSHO, $30 for a poor machine is not worth it, as it could potentially cause you not to prusue a great woodworking craft.
I would second the vote for the DeWalt. I have a Delta that I have used very much and have had no trouble with it at all. I use it daily, but I have cut with the DeWalt and it is much better. You can thread the blades down through your work from the top, and that makes life much easier.
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