We do quite a few "street fairs" out here, with varying degrees of success--sometimes very busy, sometimes we wonder why we even came. On the really bad nights, as well as the good ones, I've noticed one interesting phenomenon--even when no one else is even looking any further than "oh, its pens." there is one demographic that is ALWAYS interested--little-league-aged boys! These guys stop by, hands behind thier back (so I don't think they're trying to pocket merchandise???) and gaze longingly at every pen on display! Striking up a conversation with them, I find they are totally in awe of the entire penturning process, and some really struggle with whether they should ask for money from their parents, who probably won't give them the money. But this is not only occasionally, its every single fair we do! If I am reaching no one else, that demographic is there every time. If what I've observed is any indication, in about a decade, we're going to have an influx of young, eager competition! Should make AS, CS, Woodturningz, Beartooth Woods, PSI, Berea, and all others very happy as well. By the way, make a note to buy stock in CA, BLO, and DNA! Has anyone else noticed this, or [see title]