Is Everybody Busy?

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Oct 6, 2008
Tennessee City, TN
This is my second Christmas season as a "penturner". Last year I was just learning, reading and getting all my tools around. I wish now I would have made up alot of pens and let friends, family, co-workers and patients choose from what I have. It just seems like everybody wants me to make somebody a pen for Christmas....dont get me wrong their paying customers I just dont think I can turn everybody a pen thats ask for one.
I will be more prepared next year.
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One way to be prepared, in your slow season, just buy tubes and turn barrels and have them already to make into pens. This way your cash out lay is not much and you will have a large inventory you can convert to pens quick for when the season rush starts. I generally quit taking orders after Thanksgiving, it is no fun being under the gun and stressed out during December.
One way to be prepared, in your slow season, just buy tubes and turn barrels and have them already to make into pens. This way your cash out lay is not much and you will have a large inventory you can convert to pens quick for when the season rush starts. I generally quit taking orders after Thanksgiving, it is no fun being under the gun and stressed out during December.

Yeah. What he said. It sure makes things a lot easier. I take my case over and let them (friends, relatives who want pens for so-and-so) pick out something I already have made - or choose from tubes turned.

Another thing that really helps me to have CraftUSA "Jr.?" tubes made up. Then they can choose style (JrGentleman, jrStatesman, jrRetro), finish, rollerball or fountain. No orders after Dec 8.
I've sold 2 pens, not already made in the last week. But I am already to the point that if I don't have the kit and blank on hand I will not accept an order for Christmas. If you really want to be ready for the Holiday and not drive yourself crazy. You seriously need to start getting ready for it in June. I have a bunch of already made up stuff but that seems to serve as an idea prompter for my customers. They always look at them and then say something like. Can you make this pen with that material etc.
This is my first year making pens so I don't have a lot of "orders" etc. I, generally, sell most pens at craft shows. For Christmas, this year, my wife bought me over 100 acrylic blanks and I have a lot of wooden blanks and "wood-to-become-blanks" in the garage. I will spend a lot of time prepping and turning so I can have a wide range of inventory next fall!

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Holy Smokes Dan. One hundred acrylic blanks. That should keep you busy. There must be some nice looking ones in there.
Holy Smokes Dan. One hundred acrylic blanks. That should keep you busy. There must be some nice looking ones in there.

Yep - She had to have back surgery last month and knee replacement next month. I think she wanted to keep me 'at home' and busy so I can help her when necessary. :biggrin: She bought me at least 2 of every acrylic blank at Wood N Whimsies ( There are some real beauties. The thing I like is that, when turning an acrylic, you have a real 'surprise' hidden inside the blank. It's like Christmas all over again!

Due to her surgeries we had to cancel all of our craft shows this season so I'll be busy (and happy) getting next years' inventory built up!

Yep - She had to have back surgery last month and knee replacement next month. I think she wanted to keep me 'at home' and busy so I can help her when necessary. :biggrin: She bought me at least 2 of every acrylic blank at Wood N Whimsies ( There are some real beauties. The thing I like is that, when turning an acrylic, you have a real 'surprise' hidden inside the blank. It's like Christmas all over again!

Due to her surgeries we had to cancel all of our craft shows this season so I'll be busy (and happy) getting next years' inventory built up!

Dan, you'll be pretty busy assisting your wife with physical therapy. I am sure you will hear this over and over again, 'make sure she follows physical therapy after the new knee'. You are going to need to help bend that knee when it hurts. You'll be glad to escape to the pen making after while. Maybe a special pen for her so that she can write lots of letters while bed ridden.
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