Congratulations of the new job offer. Use to live about 30 minutes south of Seaford. To answer your question in one word, no. Not a hot bed of wood supply type stores. But you will find the people very friendly and once it becomes known that you like odd things like "weird wood" you will find that people just seem to remember you when they come across something. Best to drop the tree trimming services a visit and they will become your front men looking for the odd and worthy tree for your lathe. Ask and they will save you every crotch they cut for weeks on end. Might do it for a few pens with their name laser engraved on them. One save me a spalted maple that was perfect for bowls and platters, another saved me a black cherry tree with burls covering the entire trunk. A few well placed pens and a few dollars more produced more wood than I could carry in a pickup that lasted me for months and months.
Local forest are mostly pine maybe 60-70%, with the hardwoods commonly red and white oak, maple, holly, gum-sweet and red, walnut, black cherry, sycamore, hickory, beech, red cedar, black locust, and the northern most cypress stand. I might have missed a few tree types but that is most of what you will find.
Old barns will provide chestnut and old growth pine, oak and gum which was often used for framing. Beached boats will have southern yellow pine, cedar , cypress and the odd teak or mahogany board. Lot of sugar maple trees in yards, which die and provide lots of spalted maple that is free for the asking.
The internet does work down on the Shore so you still have the entire world at your key board. Baltimore is about two hours away and there are a few decent wood store there. Bowie MD is about 90 minutes away and we have one IAP member there who can fill you in on all the great wood supply places. I use to go to Colonial on the west side of DC and bought a lot of end cuts, bowl blanks and exotic wood items. Do not know if they are still open. Hope this helps and good luck.