Hi folks,
I had a request to make some Resifill blanks using the Dwarf Banksia pods and green glow powder, the person making this request is from the UK and he developed an idea based on the information he got from the people that make this new product,
with a claim to be the strongest glow in the world I had to see for myself so I order a 50gr container and proceeded to cast 5 blanks with epoxy resin and this new glow powder. I know that for a stronger effect the more powder you use the better so I used about 20gr of powder on 0.5 litre resin and mixed away.
I can say that the strongest results are obtained following their instructions on the painting style application where a special base is used prior to the glow but for mixing with resin, the best results will be achieved with solid/100% resin casts as embedding objects into it will interrupt the glow distribution and therefore reducing the glow strength and glow time, this is an obvious result.
From my experience with different types of glow in the dark products, I'm certain that this new powder offers a slightly stronger glow something about the 25% extra so, I thought in making my observations of this product among our caster friends and let them have a go and try it.
Here are some of the pics I took from the 5 blanks I made.
I had a request to make some Resifill blanks using the Dwarf Banksia pods and green glow powder, the person making this request is from the UK and he developed an idea based on the information he got from the people that make this new product,
I can say that the strongest results are obtained following their instructions on the painting style application where a special base is used prior to the glow but for mixing with resin, the best results will be achieved with solid/100% resin casts as embedding objects into it will interrupt the glow distribution and therefore reducing the glow strength and glow time, this is an obvious result.
From my experience with different types of glow in the dark products, I'm certain that this new powder offers a slightly stronger glow something about the 25% extra so, I thought in making my observations of this product among our caster friends and let them have a go and try it.
Here are some of the pics I took from the 5 blanks I made.