Inaugural Event

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Dec 17, 2008
Washington DC
Inaugural Festivities

We decided to be a part of history and trek amongst the mass pilgrimage in our Nations Capitol Sunday. Pictures are not great but hope you enjoy. No matter what your political (if you have one) view is, I felt a great sense of pride Sunday for being an American!!

God Bless America and God Bless it's Citizens!!!
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I agree Jim. While I did not vote for the new president, the fact that we can have a transition of power of this nature without a military coup or bloodshed is a testiment to our system.
Thanks Jim for posting this. As Steve said, our political system is amazing to many parts of the world with the orderly transition of power that we take for granted. Regardless of your political views, we have a new Commander in Chief and we should all hope and pray that he is a steady hand at the helm of our country.
Jim, being in that crowd had to be exhilarating, Like Cav said an event like that could only happen in our country, I'm glad to see people have so much faith and genuine enjoyment for the process, I too hope the man has a steady hand on the helm of our great ship and can sail her into some calmer safer waters.
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