I'm living the dream!

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Ron Mc

Feb 2, 2005
I just haven't figured out who's it is!

I'm sure that most of the "old timers" have noticed that I don't post much these days. For this I am truly sorry and hope to have some time again soon. I truly enjoy spending time assisting with questions and making suggestions. I also enjoy the time I spend in the pen area looking at all of the wonderful works of art that members have made and know how proud they SHOULD be. Remember that your hard work is judged by what's in your heart and not by the number of replies you get.

Due to the economic outlook this year the corporation I work for has announced it will be laying off 10% of it's salaried employees on June 30th. They have sent all eligible employees an offer to voluntarily resign and of course I have chosen not to. I am proud of my accomplishments with the company and will not resign on my own accord.
The employees that will be removed will receive a letter on June 15th. My heart goes to my friends that receive it.
I have found out that absolutely NO ONE is safe. My self included. Luckily if I open the mail box and find a letter waiting for me I also know that my family can live on the package for about 6 months so I hope to find a new job in my field before I am in trouble.
There could be a huge sale of pen making supplies in July so keep your eyes open. LOL I know, I know, pathetic humor. Those of you that have met me know that this is how I handle things.

If you find yourself bored as you are doing something in your daily routine could you please keep my family in mind?

Your friend,
Ron McIntire
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Ron, everything will 'turn' out well for you. You have the right spirit and we all all know that you will always land on your feet should someone decide to 'temporarily' knock you down.

Bored or not, I'll be praying for you. It all works out for our good, even if it's tough to handle at the time. That said, the odds are considerably in your favor.[:D] Ya' figure only 1 in 10 will be riffed, but then they are taking volunteers, so that number increases (the 2nd one, not the first, of course).
Good luck and I truely hope you are not affected Ron. I know now first hand how it feels to have your family affected by a down-size.
We'll keep you & yours in our thoughts and prayers and watch for you to breath easier after mid-June. Things happen but remember--One door closes and another opens. It's just easier when it's your choice rather than someone else's.
Good luck, Ron. I've been through that myself several times and it's never any fun, whether you survive or not. There's always a lot of anxiety.
How could they let go the only man in the company who has smashed the Company President's cell phone with a hammer? I love that story! Keep that great spirit you have...your family is lucky to have you as its leader. You will do them well whatever happens. I am luck to know you personally as are several others here, and the rest of the IAP members are lucky to know you via this board. You and you family will not just be on my mind, but on my prayer list. Thanks for all you've taught me, my friend.
Do a good turn daily1
Ron, I've never been through a downsizeing so I can't say I know what you are going throuh but whatever happens as my Dad told me years ago everything in life happens for the best if we make it so.
I had life by the throat a lot of years ago,then I was made redundant at 55yrs,hard in this country to get employment at this age,recovered from this setback,at 62.5yrs made redundant again,figured it was time to and retired to busy retirement.My pride took a licking but lifes good,I am praying for you as well.Three things I say to myself I must,Ican,Iwill. At 73 yrs married to my sweetheart of 55 yrs for 52 yrs count myself blessed.
With your pens etc never throw your old shoes away until you have your new shoes on. Regards Peter.

Thanks for sharing a bit of your story with us. I'll be praying for you and your family during these uneasy times. Keep your eyes on the horizon for a new opportunity may come knocking at your door that you did not expect. I've just made a job change that came totally unexpected but my wife and I felt God was opening a new door for us and we walked through by faith. We are so blessed by that decision. May God, now, bless you.
You are in my thoughts. Take good care of yourself during this time - sleep enough, eat well, get some exercise, spend time with people who love you (and that includes us).

You're too young to be sweating. You do have better than a 90% chance of staying with your current employer. THAT'S GOOD!!

However, look to see what competitor is driving down your company's sales. Someone MUST be thriving. Then, get a headhunter to approach that company and see what their employment outlook is. Meet them informally, if possible. Get to know a few people. THEN, either YOU are choosing when to move, or the events are more within your control should your employer find another "downsizing" is necessary.

Remember, you paid nothing for this, so if you think I'm all wet - you're entitled to think that!!!

GOOD LUCK whatever choices you make!!![:)][:)]
Thinking about you and yours, Ron. Hope you don't get that letter........what an awful feeling to look in your box each day wondering. Keep your wonderful spirit up and good luck!
I feel your pain! That must be a magical date for business. The company I work for has closed down the site I work at. The original plan was that I would have to move to Utah, as one of the few that were being offered relocation. Well we waited out other offers, and now we are safe until Feburary then maybe moving to northern VA. Lots of people were let go that first day. Hard do beleive it is only weeks until they officially close this building down. In this 3 floor office building, there are now just over 30 people here. A ghost town!
I have been laidoff twice before in my career. In both cases I can now look back and realize that they were the best things that could have happened to me. The first required me to relocate and forced me to make a decision to marry my wife. The second put me into a dream career path that I would have never envisioned for myself. I'm not wishing anything upon you and pray that things work out to your best. I just wanted to let you know that sometimes what appears to be a kick in the a$$ may be a lift up.
Well said Richard. I've been laid off 5 times in my life and it hurts like heck. I think you're wise to be preparing for the worse, even though the odds are drastically in your favor. But like several have said, the worst usually works out for the best.

I've spent most of my career in small companies with very little cushion. I've found myself on both sides of a layoff more than once. It's never any fun, but we do what we can/must. If something happens, I'm confident there will always be opportunities for someone with your talents and abilities.

Fortunately, some sectors of the economy or areas of the country are still creating jobs instead of eliminating them. In the Seattle area, we're currently at an all time low for unemployment, but we also lagged behind the rest of the country during the last "recovery".

Under the circumstances, I won't be hoping for you to suddenly have a lot more time to participate in the forums.

As others have said, when one door closes (or appears ot be closing) another opens up. You're a class act and you will do just fine either way this goes. We will keep you and your family in out prayer.

Sorry to hear about the down-sizing. Been there, done that. You are <s>talented, creative, charismatic and generous</s> (that was starting to get too sappy) a nice guy who helps others. If there is anything I can do to help, please PM me.

I don't have a lot of answers, but I <u>do</u> have a nicely refurbished compound miter saw you can use any time.[:D]

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