I'm Back

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Apr 1, 2007
Eugene, Oregon USA.
Hey Everybody, It has been about a year since i hung up my tools and quit turning because of some medical issues. After a year of being bored off my butt and following the Doctors restrictions which was basically no standing or walking for more than 30 min a day, (Well heck you can eat that up just going to the Bathroom everyday LOL.) Basically i have a degenerative disease in the right leg from the knee down at this point the only option is amputation so the idea is to stay off the leg as much as possible to avoid that happening. I finally told the DR i was heading out to the shop i was sick and tired of sitting on the computer all day. So i have spent the last couple weeks getting my shop cleaned up and organized again and moving some stuff around and building a stool so i can be at a good height for turning. so as long as i can make it so i can sit most of the time then i'm good to go. It feels really good to be back and playing in my shop and taking stock of what i still have. I have been lurking around back on IAP for a few days now trying to catch up and see what i have missed over the last year, Lots of good stuff!!! I'm very excited about everything i have seen and looking forward to getting back to work! I pretty much gave away all my blanks but still have a few so it's back to blank hunting to get my stock back up LOL. I have a turning buddy coming over tomorrow to hangout and do some turning so hoping to get something made tomorrow, main focus will be working on trying to remember how to do a CA finish LOL( hopefully it's like riding a bike) I see a lot of old faces and a lot of new ones, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone again!, Feel free to give me a shout anytime!

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Up here, the appropriate saying goes like this " You can take a man out of the bush but, you can't take the bush out of a man...!"

Well done mate, nothing compares to smelling that saw dust, huh...?:biggrin:

Good luck.

A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do! Its always heartening to see folks take control of their lives, no matter the problems.

Take care,
Aloha Shane! I don't know if you turn large items or just pens. For me, it is mostly pens plus some other small items. I suffer severe chronic back pain, and cannot stand for very long at all. So have configured my lathe on a low stand, and use a desk chair, arms and back removed but wheels still in place. This works great, allowing plenty of stability for turning pens and a lot of mobility in the vicinity of the lathe. A bonus is the ability to change the seat height. You may want to give this a try. So I hope things go OK with you and glad you are back to turning.
Steve Guzy
Welcome back Shane I'm one of those new faces here been turning for only 8 mos.I really wish you the best in getting well and taking up to the shop again, I know the feeling, just make sure you take care of yourself first.If you would like to pm me your address I'll get you hook up with some blanks I have around the shop they are not highly figured but I think you'll like them.

Be Bless
It's really good to see you back Shane! Who knows, maybe being back in the shop, breathing sawdust and having a good time rolling around in the shavings might be the prescription for a happier and healthier life.

If you need some blanks, I have lots and I'd be willing to share my bounty.

Rick (mtgrizzly52)
Welcome back Shane. Its great you decided to get back in the shop. Just take it slow and above all be careful.

Best of everything and happy turning.

Welcome Shane, and glad to see you back making shavings. All my blanks are local wood, but if you can use them, pm me your address and there will be a small fr box headed your way. Take your time and enjoy your time in the shop.
Welcome back and glad to hear your getting back into the shop~

I've got plenty of blanks and other extras if you need them~just send me your info in a pm and i'll send ya a goody box.
Welcome back Shane, And turning from a stool is how I have done it from the beginning. roughing the blank from square to round is a bit tougher but otherwise I like the better control it gives me. Hint get a good quality adjustable height stool so you can get it just right for yourself. Otherwise it is surprising how you can get most everything you really need within arms reach.
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