This hobby is far too addictive. I decided to venture away from wood and try my hand at casting PR. I'm hooked. Ordered the skin from eBay and my first pen from it is already sold. Luckily, the addiction/hobby pays for itself.
Addictive indeed! Unfortunately, you just opened Pandora's box with casting! The addiction has a tremendous appetite. Start feeding it! It's all downhill from there my friend:wink:
79spitfire, it's too late. Already have some ideas from some of Seamus Rooney's pens (wow, he does great work), as well as some unique ideas of my own.
So much to do.
So little time.
Who needs crack or meth when you have pen turning.
Robert - I spent 30 minutes last night at Hobby Lobby getting ideas of what kind of blanks I could do and bought some photo sticker and decal paper. Jim taught me how to do that. I may need more molds.