If you ever get the chance............

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Go to a Midwest Penturning Gathering. It was alot of fun, had informative demonstrations, loads of door prizes and best of all, great people! It was nice to see the faces behind some of the IAP screen names (ZanderPommo, Buzzzz4, Cozee, Buzz7164, pssherman and probably more that my p-brain can't remember right now). It was great talking with you all!

I hope to be there next year!!
Definitely! It was a great day to meet fellow penturners, pick up some new tips and connect faces wtih the names. Great talking with you!
I might be a tad bit biased but I too believe that the MPG is one event one should not miss. And there are pics. Plenty of pics. As they say, "Good things come to those who wait"!
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