If you are the praying type...

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Local Chapter Leader
Feb 2, 2007
Greenbrier, AR. USA.
I am having surgery tomorrow morning to repair ruptured Quad muscles and torn tendons on both legs. I fell at my son's home in Arkansas the Monday before Thanksgiving and in the process of trying not to fall did the above damage. My legs will not support my weight as a result. Surgery tomorrow will repair the damage and set me up for extended rehab. I will be in full length leg braces for 6-8 weeks that will not allow my legs to bend. Means no lathe time for a good while. :frown: Thankfully I had all my Christmas orders completed but one. I will be away from the computer for a few days but will update as soon as I can. Thanks in advance for your prayers.
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Wow Freddie! You're definitely in our thoughts and prayers. Here's to successful surgery and rapid healing!

All the best, Joe
What do you mean no lathe time? Those leg braces will work just fine for standing won't they? Seriously, best of luck, good thoughts coming your way!
Funny you should mention that...I tried to convince my wife of that earlier this evening! :biggrin: She didn't really buy into that idea.

Thanks everyone. I'll try to post after surgery when I am able to do so.

What do you mean no lathe time? Those leg braces will work just fine for standing won't they? Seriously, best of luck, good thoughts coming your way!
Healing energy will be sent in your direction. Hope you have a uneventful surgery and steady rehab. Maybe you need to tell your LOYL that you need to get a sitting Oneway for during your rehab, just a thought.
Praying for you over here. And praying for you to get a great re-hab person. That was one of my most painful experiences ever, but I was backpacking up the tallest mountain in Texas 4 months later.
Hope you get better fast! When you get to rehab, one specific question to ask your therapist. "Can I do more exercises than you say?" Often, the more you exercise the faster your recovery. Whatever you do, do not skimp on the exercises. It will be painful, but full recovery waits if you go through it!
I will definately be praying for you. I had surgery on my torn quad tendon about 4 months ago and it was very painful. A word of advice, start bending your leggs ever so slightly as soon and as much as you can. it will help in the recovery process.
Healing energy will be sent in your direction. Hope you have a uneventful surgery and steady rehab. Maybe you need to tell your LOYL that you need to get a sitting Oneway for during your rehab, just a thought.

Sounds like insurance should cover that. List it as "Physical therapy equipment"!!!

(Yes, reverend, this is a joke!!!)

Quick recovery to you Freddie!! You will be in my prayers.

Thanks for all your prayers folks. Surgery went well. Left Quad tendon was torn 75% and the right Quad tendon was torn loose (100%). They are now attached using fiberglass thread and tied through holes drilled in the knee cap. Lots of pain through the night last night but tonight the pain is minimal. Full leg braces that keep my legs stiff. Physical Therapy folks got me up today for a stiff leg stroll (I'm convinced that PT people do not possess the spiritual gift of mercy!) :biggrin: The single trip from the left side of the bed to the right side of the bed took 30 minutes! All in all doing ok. Lots of PT ahead.

Ed, great idea on the Oneway lathe listed as "physical therapy equipment." I'll let you know how that plays out.:biggrin::biggrin: I'll try and do periodic updates.
Physical Therapy folks got me up today for a stiff leg stroll (I'm convinced that PT people do not possess the spiritual gift of mercy!) :biggrin Lots of PT ahead.

AGREED! When I was pastoring in the States and had my knee surgery 30 years ago, a woman in church told me that she had 4 children but her knee surgery hurt worse than any of the births! :eek: I let my wife know that on occasion! :wink: Knee surgery and resulting PT is a major "pain"!
Ed. WOW what great work they did. PT is not easy but everyone will and obviously has told you how necessary it is. Good luck, chin up and keep it up.
Freddie: We will keep you in our prayers here in Northeast Missouri. I know first hand that the physical therapy is no fun, but the end result will be worth the trouble you are going through now. Keep your chin up and start thinking about new pen designs for when you get back in the shop. Fred.
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