If you are in the Atlanta area on December 20th

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Local Chapter Leader
Jul 17, 2006
Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
The southeast chapter will be having its inaugural meeting on December 20th, at the Atlanta Woodcraft store. Since it is around the holidays, if you are in town, come on down and join us! If you need more details, let me know, or head over to the Southeast Chapter forum.
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Another Bump, it is this SATURDAY!!!!

If you are in the area, and have a few minutes, stop on by, we would love to meet you!

Here are a few brief notes on what to expect:

9:30 Business Meeting

10:00 Set up lathes

10:30 Meet and greet with attendees

10:30 till Noon Lathes open for turning

Noonish Lunch

1:30 till Close Lathes open for turning

What to expect: Please bring your pen blanks and turning tools if you would like to turn a pen on site. I would also ask you to bring a #2MT pen mandrel if you plan on turning a pen. Our hosts have provided us with great JET mini lathes, but we need to bring everything else. It would probably be best if you brought your blanks cut and drilled prior to the meeting. There will be some equipment set up for us to use, but on a limited basis.

Please bring a selection of your work, we love to brag, and we love looking at other folks pretty pens. We will have some counter space available for displaying work inside the training room.

Please bring blanks, kits, or other stuff to trade or sell to other members. Ken has sent us 12 of the laser kits to be given away during the meeting, so we will have a drawing for the kits throughout the day.

I have been asked to do a few demos, so I have added some time to do a simple CA finish, talk about segmented works, and finishing plastic type pens. If anyone else would like to do some demos, we will be happy to give you time to do the demo! We will also have a demo early in the day for assembling one of the puzzle blanks.

Please remember there will be interest from store patrons, and I have created a bag of 7mm pens blanks and kits ready to turn, for those who wish to turn their first pen. We will be watched by folks just curious as to what we do. Hopefully we can generate some new members, and also generate some sales of stuff for our host.

For those of you out of town, I will include the information needed to get to the store and you can email me and I will send you my personal contact information if you need it.

Thanks again, and we look forward to meeting everyone!

Woodcraft Location:
8560 Holcomb Bridge Rd., Suite 115
Alpharetta, GA 30022
Phone: 770-587-3372
Fax: 770-586-9068
Good News, I will be in Atlanta Saturday

Bad News, I arrive at the airport at 7:30 AM and Depart at 9 AM.

Do you think that you could get a lathe and set of turning tools past security and meet me by the white courtesy phone?

Steve W.
The white zone is for loading and unloading only.....LOL

We will have a moment of silence at 8:59am in your honor! We sure wish you could have had a longer lay over! Maybe next time.
Well, I have the truck packed, and heading out the door. If anyone needs anything, please look at the Southeast Chapter Forum, and it will have all of the information you need to contact the store. I look forward to seeing everyone there!
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