IAP New Year's Resolution Revisited

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Feb 16, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
We haven't even made it to the end of January .... but, maybe it's time to revisit the IAP New Year's Resolution I proposed.

Originally posted by DocStram

In the tradition of beginning the New Year, I would like to suggest that we all pause for a few moments and reflect on why we belong to IAP. More importantly, perhaps it's a good time for all of us to share a common resolution ......

<center>During 2007, I resolve to make The International Association of Penturners an even better place.</center>

What can we do as individuals to make IAP an even better place? I'm not talking about the design of the website or the virtual layout of the place. I'm talking about what each of us can do, as individuals and collectively.

One thing I'm going to try to do is to help others realize their potential as penturners. How? Perhaps by finding the time to make constructive suggestions and give positive feedback. Maybe even a deserved pat on the back when one is due. "When the tide comes in all the ships in the harbor rise". When you become a better penturner, we all become better penturners.

I'm also going to remember a line from one of my favorite singer's, Lyle Lovett ..... "words are like poison, they sink down inside you". I'm going to try hard not to poison any of you with harsh words.

So, what are you going to do to help us achieve our 2007 resolution to help make IAP an even better place?

Just seemed appropriate to repost this in light of current events.
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Originally posted by ilikewood
<br />Wow Al...I was thinking more like, "Make more pens this year". [:I]
Ummmmm ..... Weasel Bill ....If I had that Royal Yew you were supposed to pick up at CSUSA .... I'd be making tons of pens! Arghhhhh! [;)]
Hey Mike ....
When you're there ..... take a close look around to see if they just happen to have any Royal Yew blanks. There's gotta be some that they overlooked. And then, when you're checking out ... strike up a conversation about the RY .... and ask if they're holding any back.
Man ..... I love that stuff.
BYT, ya know that Weasel Bill in Idaho lives close by to CSUSA? Have you two ever met?
Yah, I only live 240 miles away.[:p] Actually, I think a mutual friend was talking to me about Mike today (hopefully the same one).

Mike do we both know a guy named Dennis Costesso?

And Al, if ya hadn't of busted up them Royal purple yew blanks, you would of had some nice pens to show around.[}:)]

The Weasel
Geeezeeee Weasel ..... all this time I've been thinking that you live just down the block from CSUSA. 240 miles? Now that's a long block even by Utah standards.

And now you're reminding me of how I destroyed my last three surviving Royal Yew blanks? I still haven't gotten over the trauma. How could I have done that! What was I thinking? How could that have happened? Where was my brain? If I could just have those three blanks back ....... sigh. Now I'm going to be depressed all day. There's only one solution. I have class at 9:30 this morning .... I'm giving an unannounced quiz. Somebody has to pay! [:p]
Wow Al...we actually think alike[:0]....that's what I always say..."when your feeling bad, take it out on someone else"....always makes me feel better![:p]

I'm probably the only 5th-6th grade Sunday School teacher that gives tests![:D]
Al,I wholeheartedly agree with your thoughts
on making the IAP a better place.In my mind,
when I joined this forum,I was getting into a
group of well respected,experienced craftsmen
that would be able to help me grow in the craft.
Also,in due time,I thought I might eventually be
able to contribute back.I started lurking well over
a year ago,and have been a member officially since
February of last year.In that time,I have seen a
huge amount of kindness and generosity shown.
There are many very kind and talented folks here,
and I want to say Thanks to all of you!You know
who you are;I don't need to tell you.[:)]
As any coin has two sides,so does the mebership here.
I only belong to a couple forums,read and post here almost
exclusively.Some of the comments,bickering and
outright hatefulness I see here makes me wonder if I want
my name associated with such things.
Thankfully,these things are the exception and not the rule.
If I ever find myself starting to type thoughtless,
self-degrading comments,I will stop,contact site
administration and ask to be removed before I become someone
that I would not appreciate if I were on the receiving end.
That is my resolution!
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