IAP Mission statement

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Apr 23, 2007
Show Low, Arizona
I think in light of a few heated threads being started lately this might be a good time to remind everyone what the IAP forum is all about, and how better to describe it than the words of the head poobah, grand master and exalted head wizard himself! For your reading pleasure I give you the….

Mission Statement:
(red highlights are added for emphasis)
The International Association of Penturners (IAP) is an organization that recognizes pen making as a craft with unique and distinctive character. Pen making encompasses a vast array of techniques, materials, technical knowledge, and novel approaches to produce a functional, aesthetically appealing writing instrument. The goal of the IAP is to give pen makers a place to enhance their skills, share experiences, and promote the art of pen making.

I think the last sentence pretty well sums up the intent or GOAL of the IAP. As far as I am concerned those who disagree with the mission statement in regards to sharing and helping others enhance their pen making skills should take their narrow minded, non-sharing and secretative attitudes and find another forum where they can be happy showing off their skills while keeping their secrets rather than try to change the IAP into something it was not intended to be just to suit their tastes!

I have seen "sharing ideas" compared to "spoon feeding" and while I do not believe in giving step by step instructions complete with shopping lists of materials to some lazy slacker who contributes nothing in return, I do think sharing ideas and helping others to a point is what this forum is all about and after reading the mission statement, I think I'm close to being right!

Remember where, in the mission statement it said "recognizes pen making as a craft"? That is pretty self explanatory and doesn't differentiate between hobbyist and gung ho "gotta make a million this year" pen making business people. I recently read where it's a dog eat dog world out there and there is nothing to be gained by helping the competition! To those who see other members as competition I ask "what the hell are you doing here in the first place if you, yourself aren't trying to learn something?

Maybe we could start with a simple idea… if you don't want to share it, don't post it!
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I second that. Anyone i have dealt with on the forum on a personal level has been very friendly and helped out on a number of occasions. One member wouldn't help me out at all, think he was in it just for the money but it never put me off contributing what i could as a relative newbie to the forum
Great post, George! I've certainly received a lot more here than I can ever give. The tone is changing and it seems to be off key.
Great post, George! I've certainly received a lot more here than I can ever give. The tone is changing and it seems to be off key.
Nah, every now and then everyone has to get there panties out of a wad due to spending to much time setting at the computer and not enough time in the shop. It will pass. These really are good people, their main flaw is being human.
DIfferent people will have different interpretations and views of what that mission statement actually means and hashing and re-hashing it will not do anything but further deride the mission of IAP.

Each member here is equal and each has the option to share or not. There is no rule that you must share everything that you come up with just becasue some of the members think that is the way it should be. Neither should we all clam up and keep everything secrect just becasue some other members think thats the way it should be.

Once agian, as I said in another thread, we are going to just have to agree to disagree on this one. We all have opinions and all of us are intitled to them.

Let's all try to get back to penturning and advancing the craft in the way you see fit!
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