Go here and search the area you are looking for- T shirts, cups, etc. Search penturners and there we are. I just came from there and saw the Tshirt. www.[B]CafePress[/B].com
yes all the money that cafe press does not keep goes to support the IAP. As I remember it is a pretty good deal for the IAP considering that cafe press collects the orders makes the shirts or whatever and ships them. I need to get a new T-shirt. I wore my last one out.
One of the first jobs of the new merchandise manager will be to totally revamp our selection of logo items. I don't believe that long term we'll be continuing to use the CafePress store.
I hope to get that position posted this week! I wanted to get it done last week, but I was scrambling to finish a couple of important outside jobs at home before the snow arrives.