IAP Collection to Minnesota?

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mark james

IAP Collection, Curator
Sep 6, 2012
Medina, Ohio
Hi Folks:

I have chatted with Stonepecker several times about bringing the IAP Collection to The Minnesota Chapter for a display this fall.

He has mentioned doing this in concert with the November "Penapalosa" Event.

I am just getting my calendar set for the rest of 2016, so I could use some help and information.

1. When is the exact date?
2. Where would the location be?
3. If displayed at the "Penapalosa" will there be a separate Chapter meeting?
4. If I do attend, will this end up being mainly for the "Penapalosa" event, and 2-3 IAP members, or might there be a larger IAP contingent. (I'm not totally opposed to just an event showing, but it will be a 1500 mile trip by car or air for me).

If someone in the Bloomington area could give me some feedback I would be grateful. And, if given a contact person/number, I can contact the Woodcraft Store myself if needed.

Cheers, Mark
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I don't have the Pen-A-Palooza date at this time. It is typically around the second Saturday of November. I will check with Woodcraft and let you know. I'm trying to include an image from their promotion last year.

Pen-A-Palooza if a local Woodcraft event, where they have a series of pen turning demos covering various topics throughout the day. Several of those are provided by our MN IAP members. We also have at least one active IAP member working at Woodcraft.

The MN IAP chapter has had a meeting on the Sunday of that weekend (with varying success, as some of the members have to travel a fair ways (though nothing like you will do...), and two trips in a weekend is sometimes too many "kitchen pass points".

Ed (about a mile and a half from Woodcraft in Bloomington).

One more note - I just checked the class schedule for November, and both Sunday the 13th and 20th have classes, so a MN IAP meeting on Sunday would need a different location. We'll have to see if holding a meeting later in the day on Saturday of Pen-A-Palooza would be an option (and I suspect that might be more to your liking for travel, too).
Hi Ed:

Thank you for the information. Gives me more ability to make plans.

I can adapt my travel plans for whatever is convenient for the IAP members! If they want an extra day, fine. If all will fit into a single day that is also fine. I'm good early and late (as long as Wayne doesn't pull out some "Snowshoes...").

I suspect I will drive, as I have 2 sons in Chicago. I can visit with them coming and going, so the length of the trip is fine with me.

It will be fun to shake some hands from your area, and allow you to see the IAP Collection.

ED: Looking again at the flyer you posted. If the IAP Collection is something the store would like on display starting on Friday, I can certainly be there. I have no issue with cooperating with the hosts if it is of benefit to them (and I just might have some flyers on how to join IAP available...).
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I wasn't able to attend penapalooza last year. Shoot, I haven't even been able to attend any of the meetings since I started turning pens and joined IAP. But I am planning to make the trip to there the Saturday of penapalooza. I've had the pleasure of meeting Stonepecker and BrianG and hope to get the chance to meet any others who might be there. If the IAP Collection is there, I would love to see it - I've admired the pens by picture many times and it would be hard to pass up an opportunity to see them in person.
I haven't made it to Penapalooza in years past but I've made other IAP meetings.

If the IAP collection was going to be there, I would be sure to make it. If we were looking for a place to meet on Sunday, I could check with Rockler in Maplewood....
Hi Ed:

Thank you for the information. Gives me more ability to make plans.

I can adapt my travel plans for whatever is convenient for the IAP members! If they want an extra day, fine. If all will fit into a single day that is also fine. I'm good early and late (as long as Wayne doesn't pull out some "Snowshoes...").

I suspect I will drive, as I have 2 sons in Chicago. I can visit with them coming and going, so the length of the trip is fine with me.

It will be fun to shake some hands from your area, and allow you to see the IAP Collection.

ED: Looking again at the flyer you posted. If the IAP Collection is something the store would like on display starting on Friday, I can certainly be there. I have no issue with cooperating with the hosts if it is of benefit to them (and I just might have some flyers on how to join IAP available...).

Mark, that was the 2015 flyer.

I wonder if we could convince Woodcraft to have you talk about the IAP Collection as part of the schedule of events. I've done demos the past two years, but they haven't contacted me yet.

If the MN IAP contingent is a small number, I could probably host a gathering. I can't commit just yet, because I don't know what shape my shop will be in until I finish my basement renovation.
FYI, I think there are about 8-10 active IAP members in or around the Twin Cities (and maybe more).

My thoughts are that if the collection is there, people will drive in to see it.
Active members? I think Minnesota has a bunch of silent members. I don't know what it takes to get them to come out of the shadows. I do know that we have had some great demos......interesting talks.....wonderful swaps..... and the cookies and lunches have been faboulous.
The people that have been to the meetings are a great bunch of guys. Willing to share information and ideas anytime.

What we need is a 'home base' that cares about us also. The Minnesota Chapter is a fun group. No Dues.....No expectations....No Drama. We all just love pen turning and the other people that love pens also. Yes we all make other 'things' and we share them between us. That is part of what makes the IAP and our chapter fun.

Looking forward to seeing Mark and the collection. He has a endless knowledge of the collection. I am sure the showing and his explaining will be a great addition to the Pen-a-Palooza

No official announcement yet, but it sounds like Pen-A-Palooza is now Turn-A-Palooza. Same format, but with a wider scope of turning offerings.

Dates are Nov 11-13, with the demos and such happening on Saturday the 12th. Initial thoughts are that it should be fine to have the IAP Collection on display for as much of the event as we wish. I'm assuming that we want someone with it at all times.

I haven't confirmed with Woodcraft, but it looks like the classroom will be used on Sunday the 13th but not Saturday the 12th. Maybe we plan an afternoon meeting on the 12th. The demos usually get done by 1:00 or 2:00 PM. Maybe a 3:00 PM start? Mark, I'm assuming you'd be the featured program. Any idea how long a presentation would take on the IAP Collection? The store closes at 6:00 PM Saturdays. We could see about a dinner at the Davanni's Pizza just up Lyndale. I think they have a meeting room there we can reserve (as long as we have some folks buying dinner).

I hope to make it to Woodcraft this Saturday to talk to a few more of the folks there, as it just so happens the Saturday demo this week is turning a pen. :)

Again, other than the dates in November and my plans for this Saturday, none of this is confirmed - just highly probable rumors.

No official announcement yet, but it sounds like Pen-A-Palooza is now Turn-A-Palooza. Same format, but with a wider scope of turning offerings.

Dates are Nov 11-13, with the demos and such happening on Saturday the 12th. Initial thoughts are that it should be fine to have the IAP Collection on display for as much of the event as we wish. I'm assuming that we want someone with it at all times.

I haven't confirmed with Woodcraft, but it looks like the classroom will be used on Sunday the 13th but not Saturday the 12th. Maybe we plan an afternoon meeting on the 12th. The demos usually get done by 1:00 or 2:00 PM. Maybe a 3:00 PM start? Mark, I'm assuming you'd be the featured program. Any idea how long a presentation would take on the IAP Collection? The store closes at 6:00 PM Saturdays. We could see about a dinner at the Davanni's Pizza just up Lyndale. I think they have a meeting room there we can reserve (as long as we have some folks buying dinner).

I hope to make it to Woodcraft this Saturday to talk to a few more of the folks there, as it just so happens the Saturday demo this week is turning a pen. :)

Again, other than the dates in November and my plans for this Saturday, none of this is confirmed - just highly probable rumors.


Thanks for the update Ed:

1. I cannot leave until Friday AM (I'll be staying with my Mother Thursday PM after she has a endoscopy & colonoscopy) procedures. So any activities on Friday I will miss.

2. I have booked a room in Eau Claire for Friday night, so it will be a 11 hr drive. Then I will be 2 hr from Bloomington. So I can easily be there by 9AM opening on Saturday. :yawn:

3. I can take about 1 hr for an overview of the IAP Collection, then maybe have a general discussion. I could also quickly show how I did the Chevron Blanks (anywhere from 15 - 30 minutes); IAP Library now has the tutorial, so this is a secondary topic.

4. As we get closer, I'll make my Saturday and Sunday reservations. Basically I want to be in Chicago on Tuesday to spend time with my sons. So Sunday and Monday are up for discussion.

5. I may scoot up to St Clair for a pair of "Snowshoes" ...

6. The IAP Collection has beautiful locking display cases, so they can be secured, or simply picked up and taken with us if we have a chapter meeting. http://www.penturners.org/forum/f269/display-cases-137956/

7. Just a reminder: The Minnesota Chapter can have an in-house contest and donate a pen to the IAP Collection if it chooses.
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Sounds like a plan. I'm actually hoping to catch one of the Turn-A-Palooza coordinators at the store Friday evening. Should be a good time to chat about the options you are offering.

They are remodeling the store now, and part of that is a new check-out counter in a new location. It is partly done today. Not sure how soon they will remove the old one, but if it survives until November, I think it would make a great place for the display. If not, I'm sure we can work something out.

So about an hour and a half on your presentations? That should work well. As for your Chevron Blanks presentation being on-line - it's always more fun and educational to see it live, at least as far as I'm concerned.

For the pen to add to the collection - does that have to be done by the time you are here, or can we contribute it at a later time? We are still on "Summer break", and usually use the event in November to kick-start the new year.


Sounds like a plan. I'm actually hoping to catch one of the Turn-A-Palooza coordinators at the store Friday evening. Should be a good time to chat about the options you are offering.

They are remodeling the store now, and part of that is a new check-out counter in a new location. It is partly done today. Not sure how soon they will remove the old one, but if it survives until November, I think it would make a great place for the display. If not, I'm sure we can work something out.

So about an hour and a half on your presentations? That should work well. As for your Chevron Blanks presentation being on-line - it's always more fun and educational to see it live, at least as far as I'm concerned.

For the pen to add to the collection - does that have to be done by the time you are here, or can we contribute it at a later time? We are still on "Summer break", and usually use the event in November to kick-start the new year.


YES! You can certainly contribute later. This option is simply a way for individual chapters and IAP members who do not compete in the BASH or attend regional gatherings (i.e., MPG) to have an avenue to be part of the collection.

As for space, ideal would be about a 6' long table/counter. 4' is a bit tight but workable, 8' is nice but not necessary (but we can put out flyers for State IAP and IAP membership.

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Interesting, Just came across this. I haven't been very active on this site but I am just a couple hours south of there and regularly visit that Woodcraft so....

Looking forward to meeting you Colin

November 12 works for me. Incredibly generous of Mark to plan a road trip to include us.

Hi Tom: Actually, it is my pleasure! I have probably met 400-450 IAP members in person as I have displayed the Collection. As much as I enjoy pen turning, making new friends has been an incredible benefit to me personally.

As an on-line forum, IAP is somewhat unique (My opinion only) in that it truly is a "Community". I can drive from Ohio to Maine and California and Florida and Alaska, and set up coffee breaks with IAP members for Breakfast, Lunch and dinner. 5 years ago (pre-IAP membership) I could not say that. And locally, if I needed any help in a wide variety of topics, there are 6-8+ IAP members who have my back! In this day and age, that is something to value.

Hope to shake your hand (and maybe share some coffee)!
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Moving forward. I chatted with Woodcraft today, and have sent an email to the organizing group. It is sounding like a display on Saturday and Sunday will work just fine.

Still trying to confirm meeting space for a presentation on the Collection and construction techniques for your pen. They are trying to keep the "seminars and demos" to about 45 minutes. I told them we were planning to go last. The question now is how long the rest of the demos are going to run. It might be to 4:00 or so. That would still give us two hours before closing (and again, I can see about booking a meeting room at a pizza shop just a few blocks away for extended discussion).

I'll post more as I hear it.

In ten minutes from when I sent the email out to the organizing group, I got this start of the message back from one of the co-owners: "This is a cool idea!". It sounds like they are as excited as we are!

They are finalizing the final demo of the day, and once that is nailed down they will let me know the time available.

Getting excited to see everyone there, and the IAP Collection!

In ten minutes from when I sent the email out to the organizing group, I got this start of the message back from one of the co-owners: "This is a cool idea!". It sounds like they are as excited as we are!

They are finalizing the final demo of the day, and once that is nailed down they will let me know the time available.

Getting excited to see everyone there, and the IAP Collection!

As nice as the collection is...it is secondary to meeting its curator. :wink: You all have a good time.
In ten minutes from when I sent the email out to the organizing group, I got this start of the message back from one of the co-owners: "This is a cool idea!". It sounds like they are as excited as we are!

They are finalizing the final demo of the day, and once that is nailed down they will let me know the time available.

Getting excited to see everyone there, and the IAP Collection!

As nice as the collection is...it is secondary to meeting its curator. :wink: You all have a good time.

I prefer caretaker, chaperone, delivery driver, etc... Its all about the Pens! I'm replaceable (Jeff, ya listening ?), but these pens will be on display beyond my years!

But as a perk to me, I'll get to make some new friends, and that is invaluable in this day-and age!
Just heard that we are being asked if a 3:00 PM time would work for us. I'm thinking that 3:00 to 4:30 would be a good time for most. The store would be open until 6:00, so if we run over, I think that will be fine. I believe you will be the last item on the program for the day.

Any other thoughts from Mark, Wayne, or others before I confirm the time?

Just heard that we are being asked if a 3:00 PM time would work for us. I'm thinking that 3:00 to 4:30 would be a good time for most. The store would be open until 6:00, so if we run over, I think that will be fine. I believe you will be the last item on the program for the day.

Any other thoughts from Mark, Wayne, or others before I confirm the time?


This is fine on my end. I may have to leave early Sunday and be back in Medina, OH by Monday morning for a possible meeting.

I was hoping to stay a few days and go back easy, but it may be a quick drive back.

But I have a hotel room Friday night, and all day Saturday appears fine.

OK, got my plans set!

I will not need to hurry back to Ohio! I resolved my business issues this past Wednesday.

So, as of now: I will drive to Minnesota Friday. Get to the shop on Saturday before opening. Then In the evening I will visit the thriving metropolis of St Cloud on Saturday PM and all day Sunday, leaving on Monday (although I can also stay Monday and leave Tuesday. This depends on how much Wayne and I get into shop issues!

This will be a relaxing trip now that I have my business issues settled!

Looking forward to meeting old and new friends! (and displaying the IAP Collection).

Regards, Mark
OK, got my plans set!

I will not need to hurry back to Ohio! I resolved my business issues this past Wednesday.

So, as of now: I will drive to Minnesota Friday. Get to the shop on Saturday before opening. Then In the evening I will visit the thriving metropolis of St Cloud on Saturday PM and all day Sunday, leaving on Monday (although I can also stay Monday and leave Tuesday. This depends on how much Wayne and I get into shop issues!

This will be a relaxing trip now that I have my business issues settled!

Looking forward to meeting old and new friends! (and displaying the IAP Collection).

Regards, Mark


Just catching up and getting my own plans for the weekend firmed up. Earlier you had said you were planning to drive to Eau Claire Friday and make it in to the store on Saturday. Are you now going to be in MN on Friday now? If so, are you going to be here in time for a dinner with others? Would you want to do something like that?

Also, it sounds like a trip up to St. Cloud Saturday evening. Are you going to be in Bloomington long enough after the presentations at Woodcraft to plan for a dinner with the group before you head up there?

OK, got my plans set!

I will not need to hurry back to Ohio! I resolved my business issues this past Wednesday.

So, as of now: I will drive to Minnesota Friday. Get to the shop on Saturday before opening. Then In the evening I will visit the thriving metropolis of St Cloud on Saturday PM and all day Sunday, leaving on Monday (although I can also stay Monday and leave Tuesday. This depends on how much Wayne and I get into shop issues!

This will be a relaxing trip now that I have my business issues settled!

Looking forward to meeting old and new friends! (and displaying the IAP Collection).

Regards, Mark


Just catching up and getting my own plans for the weekend firmed up. Earlier you had said you were planning to drive to Eau Claire Friday and make it in to the store on Saturday. Are you now going to be in MN on Friday now? If so, are you going to be here in time for a dinner with others? Would you want to do something like that?

Also, it sounds like a trip up to St. Cloud Saturday evening. Are you going to be in Bloomington long enough after the presentations at Woodcraft to plan for a dinner with the group before you head up there?


Hi Ed:

I plan to leave Strongsville, OH. early Friday morning, about 6 - 7 AM. With a 12-13 hr drive, I won't get to Eau Claire until late, so I suspect Friday night won't be a good meet-up. I might get there earlier, but I hate to plan on it.

Saturday evening after the Woodcraft event is fine - I have no deadline to get to St Cloud. A dinner with any available folks would be great!

I can also stop by back in Bloomington on my way back on Monday. Maybe for Breakfast or lunch. Hopefully my trip back is unscheduled and I can go as I wish. I hope to be in Chicago on Monday PM.

Looking forward to meeting folks!
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