I tried a little experiment (RapidFuse)...

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Warren White

Aug 27, 2014
Livermore, CA
I normally use Clear Gorilla Glue to glue my brass tubes in their blanks. Never had a failure; it seems to work quite well for me. I have always let them set for a day before proceeding with the rest of the process.

I went to my local big box to buy some more Gorilla Glue and saw a bottle of DAP RapidFuse that claimed it set in 30 minutes. Hmmm, I thought "Wonder if that would work?"

I drilled a hole in the pictured blank and, after preparing the brass tube by scuffing it, I applied the RapidFuse just I would have done with the Gorilla Glue. I set a timer for 30 minutes and waited....

After 30 minutes, I tried as hard as I could to push or pull the tube out of the blank. It wouldn't budge! I went ahead with the 'real' tube/blank combination and it was perfect after only 30 minutes.

Others may have already gone through this experiment, or just aren't interested, but I am convinced that it is Okey Dokey.


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Very interesting concerning the "name" - in order to differentiate it from other CAs. Probably would not sell much if listed as "DAP Cynoacrylate" or "DAP Super Glue", But with the name change, some people will be drawn to it. LOML is a sucker for word usage in ads to differentiate. I have pointed out to her that her 10 different bleach cleaners have the same percentage of bleach and inert ingredients. She doesn't get it! :rolleyes:
I use it on things, but still prefer epoxy on tubes. I even did an experiment on using it as a finish and it worked there as well.
I only use 5 minute epoxy. I have tried CA and polyurethane glue, but have always gotten the best results with epoxy. I have turned a pen in as little as 10 minutes from gluing it.
Yup it's a modified CA, previously Nexabond owned by the Sirrus chemical company. The modification is to extend the working time from almost instant as with CA to a half a minute or so. Originally designed to improve adhesion to wood by allowing it to have a little time to grab onto wood fibers before setting up. - Dave
I don't know of any glue where after 30mins you could still move the tube. The question is how does it turn? If you turn it all the way down to the tube is there wood glued to the tube or did it break away cleanly? Inquiring minds want to know. šŸ˜Ž
Yup it's a modified CA, previously Nexabond owned by the Sirrus chemical company. The modification is to extend the working time from almost instant as with CA to a half a minute or so. Originally designed to improve adhesion to wood by allowing it to have a little time to grab onto wood fibers before setting up. - Dave
Oh. Then might be worth a try.
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