I need some willow

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Mar 20, 2006
Ninety Six, SC, USA.
I have someone asking me to make some "magic wands" out of willow. I need two pieces, about 1-1/2" square by about 18" long. I'm willing to buy or trade.

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I have someone asking me to make some "magic wands" out of willow. I need two pieces, about 1-1/2" square by about 18" long. I'm willing to buy or trade.


If you find a place let me know, also can look for Elder Tree branchs, but if they are for a wiccan or a pagan, you want to make sure that the tree they came from died natuarlly not cut down.

Apple and rose are also great woods for the craft..
If you find a place let me know, also can look for Elder Tree branchs, but if they are for a wiccan or a pagan, you want to make sure that the tree they came from died natuarlly not cut down.

Apple and rose are also great woods for the craft..

Thanks Dennis. They are specifically requesting willow. They didn't say anything about dying naturally so I'm not going to ask. I have no idea about the wiccan or pagan, don't think I'll ask that either. :biggrin:
I probably have some, If not I can get it monday.
I'll check my stock, If not I'll pick it up on my way home from work tomorrow, cut it and ship it out on Tue
What I have right now is several pieces 2x2 by about 4 inches long
I have a board thats 15/16 thick (4foot long) Can you make them in 2 pieces?
when i first got my lathe i made magic wands for a magic shop, kids absolutely loved then and lots because of harry potter. must have sold a hundred of those. i made them in 1 or 2 pieces between 7-17 inches long out of every exotic/domestic wood imaginable. man those were a hit
What I have right now is several pieces 2x2 by about 4 inches long
I have a board thats 15/16 thick (4foot long) Can you make them in 2 pieces?


One of them will be a two piece but they are asking for the other to be a one piece. However, I can use one of the 2x2 pieces as the handle and the 15/16 for the wand so I think I can make it work.

So, to sum it up, I'll need 2 pieces of the 15/16x15/16x 15 inches should do it along with one piece of the 2x2x4".

What would you like in return?

Thanks a ton!
Dont willow smell bad while turning? (swear I heard that somewhere)

I have a willow tree in the backyard, when the wifes not looking, I may need to try lol

I do have a good size willow stump thats been sitting out of he ground for about 4 years.. willow stumps ever have any good grain patterns worth cutting into?
Thanks for the offer to cut some and the offer of the stump. I think I'm going to go with Harold and his board as I need some dry and don't have the time to wait for it.

As far as grain in the stump, you never know until you try.
I've got some Golden Willow. I've got sections that are rough cut to somewhere between 18-22 inches L by about 6" thick.

I can cut some up if you need.

Tree died of natural causes. Probably drought. This stuff came from down low and there might be some curl.

I've had this cut into sections for several years.

Let me know.
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