I need some help from the horn experts

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Jun 14, 2007
Roswell, Georgia, USA.
I got a request to make a pen out of dyed horn. The example I was given is the razor & brush set shown below that is dyed to almost Navy blue. Has anyone out there dyed horn before? If so, what type of horn (Deer, Buffalo, etc). What was the process? Turn, then dye or dye, then turn?

As you can guess, I'm in uncharted water here and any information would be appreciated.


Bob Quinn


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I know some people have vowed to never turn horn again because it cracks. May want to make sure you've got that part down before you even attempt dying.
since horn can be stabilized, and there are white (pale) horn, I don't see why not. But I would find some stabilized pieces that were dyed during the process. Knife makers may know of a source.

Most of the horn I've seen for pens has been Asian Buffalo Horn. It tends to be very dark, so I don't know how well it would take a dye.
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