I know this will only encourage Cav, but I can't STAND it!

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Mar 9, 2006
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA.
Borrowing from Henry II "Will no one rid me of this turbulent LEPRECHAUN?"

Is it against the forum rules to put out a contract on an avatar????? I thought BruceK had an annoying avatar, but sheesh, Cav's got him beat.
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Gosh, Chris, you find my dancing Leprechaun annoying????? I am terribly sorry and I will try to find something else to make your IAP perusing more gratifying.

Remember, you requested this!!!
Cav, is that truly a dancing Leprechaun? I thought it was the Aflac duck nude!

I'm still trying to figure out Chris' avatar of a figure wearing glasses and a tie, but no cloths or shoes! Are as far as to just what the bird is looking at ... well, I'm open for suggestions on that idea!

IT'S BACK!!!!! Someone suggested an annoying avatar contest, so the "Leprechaun of the Dance" (with apologies to Michael Flatley) is once again gracing the pages of the IAP.


I thought, make that KNEW, that this post was going to make things worse!

Is there a way to ignore avatars??!!!

(Hello, Avatar Hunters Incorporated, yes I'll hold :)musical-note:in New Orleans, called the house:musical-note:) Yes, I'd like to post a bounty please...yes, how much will it take to "remove" a dancing leprechaun...yes, that's right...yes, it is dancing...I agree, it IS an abomination...yes, yes it IS going to hell in a handbasket...OK, I'll hold again:)musical-note:ungle in the jungle and that's allri:musical-note:) Yes, I'm still here...Oh, that will be perfect...What's that, don't tell him?..I understand, mum's the word...here's his home address... Thank you AHI!)

Mommy, make the dancing leprechaun stop!

You mentioned New Orleans just to tease me! :frown: There was also a post from Breaux Bridge today! I may run away from home so I can get some Louisiana food!!!! :airplane::eat::eat::eat:

BTW, if you kill one Leprechaun, two more grow in its place!!!!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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