I Just Had to Share This...

  • Thread starter spiritwoodturner
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Some of you know I survived a plane crash into Lake Erie in a snowstorm at night, but that's only the backdrop here.

I still keep in touch with all 3 of the Coasties that saved my bacon that night. I've written another Coastie from here at IAP, Dave (AKBeaver) about just what the Coast Guard means to me, but 1 of my rescuers, who is now with U.S. Border Patrol has been in Denver all week for meetings. Well, my entire family, wife and 2 kids (of course who neither would exist at least in their current forms without their bravery and dedication), went down to meet him and take him to dinner last night!

We really enjoy his company, and would love the guy if we just met him on the street, but of course it's much different than that. How do you actually, properly, thank someone for virtually everything they have? I feel sometimes like I should find a way to say or do more, but Steve's not like that. He's an Everyday Hero, like many other people around the world who just do it because it's right, and it makes them feel good. We laughed, we watched the kids just look at him with such adoring eyes, we cried when we got home and when we closed our eyes we gave thanks that their are people in this world that actually do things for reasons other than to get rich. Or famous. Like teachers. Or nurses. Or firemen. Or cops. Or Coast Guard guys and gals.

You gotta know I love Coasties! ***SALUTE***!!!

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What yo did is probably enough for him, but not for you. Perha[s you could make a drve to have his name entered in a local champions drive or encourage a heros award. To him that is not what its about, but to you , that may not be enough!
Great story! I'll bet buying him dinner was more than he expected. Anything more would probably cause him to be a bit embarrassed.
Dale, I think they are the most underrated branch of the military services, but they are all heroes, talk about selfless dedication, they have it in abundance. I'll bet he was surprised to see you.
thanks for sharing that. I agree with the others. the fact that you are alive, have a familly and do not squander the second chance you were given is most likely all that matters to him. more would be attention that he would not likely be thankful for. I trust that you have atleast made a pen for each of them however. I'm sure that would be more charrished than anything else. IMHO
That was a great story... made me think of Costner's movie "The Guardian".. they made light of some of their heroism, but also told a good story of the coast guard.

I'm x-navy and I think the Coast Guard will go out in seas when no one should.
Semper Paratis!

Former combat medic here---- When you enter Ft. Sam you passed under and arch that said "That others may live". I salute all who serve - lets not let politics or predjudice or anything prevent us from honoring all who serve.
Thank You

On behalf of all my fellow Coasties, thank you all for the kind words and support! The general public knows very little of what we do or that we are actually the fifth military branch, and have been involved in theater for every armed conflict since 1790.

Chuck, You are right, we do go out when others stay at home. As soon as the eye passed over New Orleans the air crews were in the air in hurricane force winds. Over 63,000 folks were rescued by air and boat. When it comes to search and rescue, the words "You have to go out, but you don't have to return" are a driving force to complete the job.

Dale, your article and maintaining the friendship really means a lot more than you think. I am sure the crew that plucked you out of the water were presented awards. Most of us in the military are too humble to really think we deserve them just for doing our jobs, and don't really like to talk about about what we did to earn them. To me the biggest reward is a simple thank you.

Tim, If your son would like more info, please feel free to PM me.

Also, thank you all for the support of all the troops! May they all come home safely!

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Some of you know I survived a plane crash into Lake Erie in a snowstorm at night, but that's only the backdrop here.

I still keep in touch with all 3 of the Coasties that saved my bacon that night. I've written another Coastie from here at IAP, Dave (AKBeaver) about just what the Coast Guard means to me, but 1 of my rescuers, who is now with U.S. Border Patrol has been in Denver all week for meetings. Well, my entire family, wife and 2 kids (of course who neither would exist at least in their current forms without their bravery and dedication), went down to meet him and take him to dinner last night!

We really enjoy his company, and would love the guy if we just met him on the street, but of course it's much different than that. How do you actually, properly, thank someone for virtually everything they have? I feel sometimes like I should find a way to say or do more, but Steve's not like that. He's an Everyday Hero, like many other people around the world who just do it because it's right, and it makes them feel good. We laughed, we watched the kids just look at him with such adoring eyes, we cried when we got home and when we closed our eyes we gave thanks that their are people in this world that actually do things for reasons other than to get rich. Or famous. Like teachers. Or nurses. Or firemen. Or cops. Or Coast Guard guys and gals.

You gotta know I love Coasties! ***SALUTE***!!!

very well spake
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