I cried yesterday (broken gun)

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Apr 5, 2009
With all the exciement of Hunting season and all, I decided to give my pistol a good cleaning. After all, It has been a fun summer, and she deserved some oil. You have to understand, out of all my guns, my pistol is my pride and joy. It took me a long time to convince my wife to let me even own a pistol, and then i had to work my way up to this one, upgrading every year or two.

I dropped the clip on the table, and opened the chamber when i instantly heard a funny clinking sound. I visually cleared the chamber and slowly closed the slide when just as the slide seated, the slide lock lever jumped in a funny way. I opened the slide again, and flipped the slide release and removed the slide when half of the slide lock mechanism fell out and hit the table. Busted clean in half... no more locking slide.

It is lifetime warranteed, so the repair will be free, but i really expected more. My previous pistol (Glock 17) gave me flawless operation the entire time i owned it, and i shot it WAYYYYY more than i shoot this beast. I have put 250 o 300 rounds through it AT MOST.

I really did shed a tear. I hate the thought of being without my handgun for up to a month, and ofcourse the customer service was mediokre (sp) at best. I guess i will do a bit more research when i upgrade this time, which wil be VERY VERY soon, Oh say, about a month or so from now.
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slide lock

Why would this repair take a month? Unless I missed something, its just the slide release/lock. A small, easily replacable part that should only take a few days to mail to you.

I would however diassemble the entire gun and look for any unusual wear to make sure this is not a sign of bigger problems.
yea, what kind is it? i THOUGHT i had a problem w/my new S & W MP .40 and they sent me shipping labels etc and said it would be repaired and shipped w/in one day. turned out to be operator error.
I had a similar problem with a Springfield Armory Compact .45acp. I had about 200 rounds through it and after shooting the clip, the slide did not lock back. It would not stay in the open position. The whole lever had slid sideways so it would not catch the slide.

They repaired it for free (5 weeks) and sent it back.

I shot another couple hundred rounds and it happened again, but this time just like you, the lever pin sheared. I sent it back with a letter explaining how unhappy I was and requested a new gun since the failures were getting progressively worse and I didn't want to know how bad the third one would be.

They fixed it again for free and sent it back. :mad::mad: I sold it immediately to a buddy who works on guns and knew the trouble I was having.....

Needless to say, I am NOT a Springfield Armory Customer Service fan!!!

I now have a S&W 908s 9mm and a S&W 642 .38 2" barrell

Not because I am a huge S&W fan, but got two good deals......
Yaaargggh!!! This drives me crazy!!

The device that holds and stores the cartridges is called a MAGAZINE not a CLIP!!! A CLIP is a device that holds cartridges together as a unit for loading into a magazine.


CLIP^ Magazine^
Yaaargggh!!! This drives me crazy!!

The device that holds and stores the cartridges is called a MAGAZINE not a CLIP!!! A CLIP is a device that holds cartridges together as a unit for loading into a magazine.


CLIP^ Magazine^

And a magazine is something I read while sitting on the toilet! :smile-big:
THIS is my rifle.
THIS is my gun.
THIS one is for killing.
This one is for fun.

Yes indeed! The magazine is a device that holds cartridges, Unlike the clip, which is a device that holds cartridges until you put them into the other device that holds cartridges. A stripper clip is a device that holds cartridges until you strip them into the cartridge holding device either attached or not attached to a rifle.

Why is it so taboo to call a magazine a "clip"? Even my Uncle and father, Both Marines, Both fought in Vietnam called it a clip. Especially when dealing with a handgun.

Imagine that, byoung, My pistol is a Springfield Armory XD series .45 ACP Tactical with high capacity MAGAZINE. I am already in the process of trading it off for something else, I just gotta wait till it comes back from Illinois.

I am also not a fan of their Cust. Service, and after reading your post, No longer a fan of their firearms. I was turned off almost instantly after getting my gun. I read on the internet all of their hype about being an American gun company, and when i got my pistol, of course the first thing i noticed, The "Made in Croatia" stamp. I think i will go back to what i know works. My wife really wants a Compact Glock. Maybe if i get her a pistol she will finally let me buy a shotgun!
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Yaaargggh!!! This drives me crazy!!

The device that holds and stores the cartridges is called a MAGAZINE not a CLIP!!! A CLIP is a device that holds cartridges together as a unit for loading into a magazine.


CLIP^ Magazine^

Tell 'em, girl! My Marine son and I have this discussion at least once a month. The primary difference between a magazine and a clip is the feed mechanism (or lack there of). A magazine has one... normally a spring at a minimum, but it is usually accompanied by a follower. A clip does not have a feed mechanism. Simple as that.
I had a similar problem 2 weeks ago, shooting my P38 the extractor broke clean in half, since the pistol is out of warranty by about 65 years and the third Reich is out of business, I just ordered it online and dropped it in for little money and in just a few days. you could do the same, then send the broken part to the maker and in two months get a spare! The express premium overnight shipping of the full weapon may cost as much as the part.. Just a suggestion.

If it breaks again then you know the part failed because it was stressed by the action recoil and then the whole mess goes back. if not, you had a part made from a crappy piece of steel which the maker bought they did not forge it. it can happen.

Oh, the clip mag thing. just the same with pistol and revolver. revolvers are often called pistols. We like generic words, like Hershey bar and Coke are used for lots of other stuff. Doesn't mean your a bad person. JB
Lighten up......:biggrin:

Yaaargggh!!! This drives me crazy!!

The device that holds and stores the cartridges is called a MAGAZINE not a CLIP!!! A CLIP is a device that holds cartridges together as a unit for loading into a magazine.


CLIP^ Magazine^
my problem w/the S & W MP was that it was shooting high and left at 25 yds. yes yds, not feet. heard on a gun forum that someone else was having the same problem. so like i said earlier SW said send it back, one day turn around. however, b4 i did that i sandbagged it at a measured 58' and it put 3 rds. into a 3.5" circle w/my reloads. so i just need to realize its not my 1911 and learn to shoot it. i have read, but don't know for a fact, that croatia ships springfield tons of parts and they just assemble em here in the states. some parts fit good and some don't. but they do give em credit for having the best marketing plan in the business! also heard that sigs made b4 2004 (?) are great but they too are now made up of imported parts from diff. places. both my sons have sigs and love em.
I carried a barretta 9 for 12 years on the streets of LA. Very good gun. Many of the officers carried Glocks and S&W. If I was still on the police force I would have a Glock. Just after the North Hollywood shootout the department realize the street officers needed larger calibur guns and went to the Glock and S&W. I was working detectives when they authorized the Glocks and S&W, so I never bought one.
That is sad news indeed. And this is why I own Sigs.:wink:

Have you guys read the SIG forums lately :eek: Seems the new guys running the show at SIG have been getting trashed for quality control and service big time. Open letters to SIG managment on the forums. I always had good luck with SIGs, in fact I just picked up a .40 X-Five this week, but it was a 3 year old gun like new. But the Misquito I bought is pure trash from SIG & the front sight fell off my 556 the first week I owned it, no biggie because I have an eotech on it, but come on :mad: I guess there will always be good and bad on anything.
And here I sit caressing my genuine Israeli Uzi and it gives me a very warm and cozy feeling all over. Best hunk of firepower next to all my H&K rifles! Thank goodness for Star reloading equipment too!

Sorry to hear of all the problems with weapons you all are having. I trust these problems can be resolved ASAP and to your satisfaction.
I can get UZI green dura-coat too.!:)

And here I sit caressing my genuine Israeli Uzi and it gives me a very warm and cozy feeling all over. Best hunk of firepower next to all my H&K rifles! Thank goodness for Star reloading equipment too!

Sorry to hear of all the problems with weapons you all are having. I trust these problems can be resolved ASAP and to your satisfaction.
Too bad about your SA. Any make, anthing mechanical, 'stuff' happens.
My pistol shooting days are over due to a shoulder injury but if I were to buy a 1911 it would be a SA.
But, no matter what, I'm sticking with my flintlock rifles.
Yaaargggh!!! This drives me crazy!!

The device that holds and stores the cartridges is called a MAGAZINE not a CLIP!!! A CLIP is a device that holds cartridges together as a unit for loading into a magazine.


CLIP^ Magazine^

When I took my private security class, we had some that called it a clip and others called it a magazine. We could not get the clip folks to call it a magazine. Finally, one of us got the bright idea of calling it a "playboy". After that no one had a problem loading their playboy :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
When I took my private security class, we had some that called it a clip and others called it a magazine. We could not get the clip folks to call it a magazine. Finally, one of us got the bright idea of calling it a "playboy". After that no one had a problem loading their playboy :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

LOL!! There ya go!! And of course you could have mentioned to the clip folks that everyone has a right to be wrong including them!!
Hey Jon, I like your avatar! (REAL FANS WEAR ORANGE!!!)

Israeli Uzi? Really? Why not a Barrett .50? is it 9mm or .22? I wouldn't mind having a .22 Uzi... that would be fun! Or a real AK, with select fire.

My favorite gun to shoot is a .22 Hornet single shot. That thing is all day fun!
Have you guys read the SIG forums lately :eek: Seems the new guys running the show at SIG have been getting trashed for quality control and service big time. Open letters to SIG managment on the forums. I always had good luck with SIGs, in fact I just picked up a .40 X-Five this week, but it was a 3 year old gun like new. But the Misquito I bought is pure trash from SIG & the front sight fell off my 556 the first week I owned it, no biggie because I have an eotech on it, but come on :mad: I guess there will always be good and bad on anything.

I'm also a SigForum member so I do actually see a lot of the complaints. It seems the new exec(s) at Sig is(are) the same folk(s) that "ruined" Kimber. Seems he doesn't care about quality, just quantity. At any rate, I have both old and new, German and American built Sigs. And so far not a single problem with any of them. I can't afford anything as nice as an X-5 (you suck:biggrin:), but I do have two Equinox. The early Mosquitos had more than their share of problems for sure. And that's one reason I bought my new P226 Classic .22LR. It has not had a problem eating anything I've fed it, but I keep it and all the others "wet". A well lubed firearm is a happy firearm.
Too bad about your SA. Any make, anthing mechanical, 'stuff' happens.
My pistol shooting days are over due to a shoulder injury but if I were to buy a 1911 it would be a SA.
But, no matter what, I'm sticking with my flintlock rifles.

bet i can get the next 20 rds. out of my M1A faster than you can ur FL.
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