I think I did see the Mythbuster episode, as it sounds familiar, but I can't remember it. I wrote them not long ago to research what I believe is a myth. I hear it all the time, "guy I know", or "friend of mine", "was riding motorcycle and hit a deer at 80 mph", sometimes they say faster whatever, "bike sliced right through the deer, tore the crap out of the bike, but he kept it upright." I don't believe it's posssible. I don't believe you can slice through a deer on a motorcycle at any speed possible on a bike, and I don't believe you could keep it upright. What I believe is the front forks instantly cave in and you face plant into the ground, your face ripped off because %80 or more bikers don't wear full face, and even if you do, your neck breaks and then your back and your legs break as you tumble head over heals over the cement probably 20 or more times before settling into a barrel roll another 50 times breaking all your ribs into jello. Of course, my response every time I hear this is, "Wow...lucky.", so as to avoid un-necessary argument over logic. I do love mythbusters, especially when they shoot bullets into water.