I can't be the only one who thinks this is nuts...

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Jul 26, 2008
Anaheim, CA
My router is mounted permanently to my homegrown router tower. But occasionally I need to pull it out for hand routing. The way it's mounted, it's a PITA to pull it. So I need a new base...

I look on Amazon to get an idea of the going prices. The 690 router (the one I have) is $130. I paid $99, but that was on a sale. So I look at the bases... $99!!!!!


That's ridiculous! So now I'm stuck either buying a whole new router that I'll have to store, or pay the price of a router just to get a base.

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Found it Porter cable, I have several extra bases let me see if I can dig one out. If I have one which Im sure I do I will pm you. Probably $21 inc proiority shipping. I know I dont have a plunge base though. I will contact you tomorrow I have to go to the storage unit and dig it out.
Just get some phenolic or polycarbonite. I think Woodcraft carries both. You can make the size and shape you need.
........That's ridiculous! So now I'm stuck either buying a whole new router that I'll have to store, or pay the price of a router just to get a base.


All this over just TWO routers! Come back and rant when you are deciding on router #7 or #8! I thought everyone has at least six routers... or at least that's what my wife thinks! :biggrin:

I'd just buy the other complete router, then it's ready as a stand alone when you need it.
Found it Porter cable, I have several extra bases let me see if I can dig one out. If I have one which Im sure I do I will pm you. Probably $21 inc proiority shipping. I know I dont have a plunge base though. I will contact you tomorrow I have to go to the storage unit and dig it out.

Wow, thanks!
I just checked ebay and there are 2 Porter cable 1001 router bases that are $19.00 and shipping if I cant find mine.

Edit in; He wants the entire lower base unit not the plastic sub base.
Is the 1001 compatible with the 690? I didn't find any specifically id'd as for the 690...

Edit: Crap, I see that's the model number for the 690 base. Ack! I should have looked more closely. Thanks!
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All this over just TWO routers! Come back and rant when you are deciding on router #7 or #8! I thought everyone has at least six routers... or at least that's what my wife thinks! :biggrin:

I'd just buy the other complete router, then it's ready as a stand alone when you need it.

I hear ya George. We have three in dedicated jig/tables ect. I have a palm that is used for the lathe top table and then two spares for the jigs. Someone once told me "Happiness is a new router bit"

I had to sell some off I had 42+ routers, I had 8 of the 3 1/4hp routers and 22 trim routers.
All this over just TWO routers! Come back and rant when you are deciding on router #7 or #8! I thought everyone has at least six routers... or at least that's what my wife thinks! :biggrin:

I'd just buy the other complete router, then it's ready as a stand alone when you need it.

7 here, but 3 of them are 30 year old Craftsmans ... do they count? :biggrin:
I have 1 1/2. The 690 and a HF trim router that I dropped and snapped the base on.

I got a coupon for another for $19.99, I may have to go snatch one up tomorrow. I like the little guys. Really powerful, but cheap plastic base means be EXTRA careful. heh
I've got 7 as well, with the oldest being a 25 y.o. 3 1/2 hp Makita plunge router...... (sold the 2 30 year old craftsmans I had at the garage sell this past fall):biggrin:

That's the one I keep in the router table!

The Milwaukee 2 1/4hp with 2 bases gets the most use. Newest one is the Bosch Colt. :biggrin:

Keep one of the old craftsmans set up for dovetailing. Hated to mess with it once I finally got it adjusted for a tight fit. :)
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