I can die happy now

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Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
I made the big time . Front Page !!!! :bananen_smilies051: :bananen_smilies104: :bananen_smilies051:

I bought my first lathe in August 2007 . I had read about thousand web sites on turning , mainly boxes and small bowls , which was what I wanted to try , I had also seen some pens that had been turned and that caught my eye , they were really really cool .
I ordered the free DVD about turning pens from PSI and got a $10 coupon for my next purchase . I read every tutorial I could find on the subject including the ones posted here and on the PMG pages .
I used the $10 coupon and bought some slimline pens and pencils and after turning my first one , I was hooked ! .
I lurked around here for awhile and drooled all over my keyboard about the beautiful pens that had been turned and posted here . Then I bought a new keyboard :biggrin: .
At some point in time I decided that just putting a nice piece of wood or plastic on a kit pen wasn't enough . I had seen the pens that Steven (Skiprat) and several others had made without kits and knew that I wanted to go in that direction . It's not an easy path to take because there are no tutorials and very little information on making a pen without the kit , but there are a number of people who make them so I studied their pens and through trial and error and the tap and die set from the first group buy , I made my first semi kitless pen .
Someone had made the comment that "I wouldn't have wasted my time to make a kitless ballpoint" about my first kitless roller ball pens (it was a capped pen that I had used a parker type Fisher space pen refill instead of a roller ball , I like the fisher refills , they write very smoothly) and that kinda got my goat so I started making kitless slimlines and discovered that I love them .
I really have nothing against kit pens , I even make one every now and then :biggrin:, I just love the challenge and the fact that the pen I make is all mine . I'm not constrained by a kit anymore only by my imagination so a pen like the Brass rod pen is possible .
I want to thank Jeff for picking my pen for the featured pen and for starting and running this wonderful forum .
I also want to thank the people here on the IAP for posting your pens and sharing the knowledge which made the dream of one day having a pen picked as the featured pen and the dream of being accepted to the Pen makers guild a reality .

Thank you all .
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Butch, its very well deserved, congratulations!
BTW that's the longest thank you I've seen on the site:biggrin::wink:
Don't worry Manny , I ain't done yet :biggrin:
Thanks Roy , I just thought that since there are so many new members here now that they might want to know who the people are that get the featured pen spot . I think everyone who makes this honor should say who they are .
Besides , I've got a big mouth and am long winded :biggrin:
Congratulations Butch! Well deserved!

You have a natural talent, and it didn't take you long to move from "just making a pen" to the "WOW" factor.
Outstanding work Butch! After reading your post, I find my story very similar in beginning. Ive recently aquired a tap and die set and have been wanting to try my hand at kitless. Thank you for your post and pictures. You have been very inspiring, like many here, in my drive and attempts to be better. Thank You.
Congrats Butch, now you are an inspiration to us wannabees. Some day I hope to reach your level. Keep up the great work.
Congratulations Butch, you deserve the spot,that is such a cool pen I love it, it gives you a great feeling to get one of your pens in the spot of honor, the centerfold.
I was nearly floored when I opened the site one day and my Amish Delight was the featured pen, I was slack jawed. Your kitless pens have been getting some pretty nice reviews, I miss having time to turn pens, I got a million ideas between you and the steel mouse, I mean skiprat. Just no time for much besides tools,
Way to go Butch. You certainly have achieved one of my goals which is to be able to tell who made the pen just by looking at it. Not many on this site can say that.
Your work has always intrigued and inspired me..thank you
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!!!! And of course is VERY well deserved. :biggrin: Not sure why you picked me out when there are several far more talent folks around. My long time idols are Jay Pickens and Bruce Boone just to mention two of them. Then of course you get the Master of the Scrollsaw ( Jeff ) and Keith who I reckon we should all call 'Cool Hand Keith', who makes the best and most accurate freehand cuts in blanks that I've ever seen!!!!!!:biggrin:

Well done Butch!!!!!
Amazing what extreme motivation can do...like create magic! I'm not where you're at, but I feel like that when I go to my woodturner's club meeting. There are people that are WAYYY beyond my skill level, so I can't match that. Yet. What I can do is out-hustle them. I can be so motivated and enthusiastic about learning and trying and doing that I'll get where I want to be in time.

Loved your message, Butch. Made me remember why I love this craft.

Congratulations Butch. I have a similar goal of getting in the PMG, and one of these days I'm going to get around to my creation! I have the idea and I know exactly what I'm going to do for it, I don't really know what's keeping me from it.

Also, I'm glad to see your work on the cover page, but please please please stay out of the centerfold:wink::eek::biggrin:
Again everybody , Thank you all for the kind words and support .

Ken don't you mean Stainless Steel mouse :wink:

Marc , watch the disparaging remarks about my wonderful home state or I'll have the boys come pay you a visit :biggrin:

Thanks Jeff . Listen if you get yours wet first let me know :eek::tongue::biggrin:

Skippy , I picked you out because something about your work speaks to me . I've went through several keyboards , drooling over Jay Pickens work and Bruce Boones work and several others here and in the PMG .
I'm trying to make an art form of some kind like you do . I'm still a bull in a china shop but I'm working on it .

Thanks Cav for letting me play with the kitless challenge , it really helped me figure out how to do this stuff and what direction to take .

George , if I ever figure out how to make it into a kit I'll let you know .

Thanks Brian , I procrastinated abit before I applied too .
Centerfold .... ouch the staples :biggrin:

Again thank you everyone .
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