The wood is 3.5×3.5 inch pine. The upper and lower surfaces are 1 inch thick birch plywood. The wood was supplied to me already cut to size from the mill, I assembled it using only screws.
I remember when I was little, my mother showed me some wooden furniture built long time ago at a skansen somewhere in eastern Europe.
"You see?" She said. "Long time ago, two left handed people like you would just not survive!".
Well, I don't have two left hands anymore!
Although I must say, I don't think they had powered drill back in the day, nor pre cut wood to order online
I remember when I was little, my mother showed me some wooden furniture built long time ago at a skansen somewhere in eastern Europe.
"You see?" She said. "Long time ago, two left handed people like you would just not survive!".
Well, I don't have two left hands anymore!
Although I must say, I don't think they had powered drill back in the day, nor pre cut wood to order online