I blame the AZ turnathon

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Nov 16, 2004
Gilbert, AZ, USA.
I do not know what is up but needed to vent. Ever since the AZ turnathon I have succeeded in screwing up more pens than I have in the past year. I had made up a sideways herringbone blank that I was going to make into a solid bodied El Grande, and then reversed the drill bits so that I used the large cap bit to drill out the body. Disappointing but decided to turn it into a normal El Grande to slavage the blank. Proceeded to screwed up enlargeing the cap hole since the stupid recommended drill bit is to small, and now it sits on the wall of shame. The other night I had glued up a new idea I was going to try for a double solid bodied hidden clip snap cap.


So I load it up on my pin chuck to turn the body. Huh looks a little short but I had measured twice so I just went ahead turning. Well I am sure many of you can guess already I was turning the cap end not the body. I will try to salvage it as a funky clipless pen but it definately will not be what I was hoping for

I put alot of time into making my blanks and when the go bye bye it makes me want to cry. BYe the way if anyone knows the proper drill bits for the el grande please post it. I am not talking about the manufacturer recommended bits, I mean the right ones.
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Mike, maybe you're right I've ruined as many as I've made since then. I am going to shim my sierra bushings and try to salvage the tubes. Good thing I don't spend all that time on my blanks. How is a pen coming out of the blank you pictured?
Originally posted by dubdrvrkev
<br />Mike, maybe you're right I've ruined as many as I've made since then. I am going to shim my sierra bushings and try to salvage the tubes. Good thing I don't spend all that time on my blanks. How is a pen coming out of the blank you pictured?

Well it probably is not hence the story[B)]. Seriously the sides get cut off and just the middle section is the blank. It was just easier to glue the pieces together like that using rubber bands as clamps.
glue the three diamonds to make one "cube" together. Then glue 3 "cubes" together to make a section, then glue the sections together.

Dario - it looks totally different when turned, but still pretty cool. To get the actual 3d effect that I was origianlly going for I would have to cut my diamonds a lot smaller, and glue up would be a nightmare. Plus the when dealing with angles like the smaller you get the more you get accumulated errors (if you are off .001 of a degree and you have 100 pieces you will end up with a lot of slop) so I may not try.
I still can't figure it out!!! [B)][:0] LOL

I know I am missing something since it looks like you glued the edges...how can that become a blank?

Would you happen to have other (before turning) photos of it?
Originally posted by Dario
<br />I still can't figure it out!!! [B)][:0] LOL

I know I am missing something since it looks like you glued the edges...how can that become a blank?

Would you happen to have other (before turning) photos of it?

I do not, but I have a tutorial
It is an optical illusion caused by the angle and the three different different shades of the wood.
Thanks Mike,

I saw the tutororial..and still can't quite put it together in my mind yet. This really bothers me and may drive me bonkers! LOL...then it will be your fault!!! [:D][}:)]
I just showed the blank to emphasise why my stupidity has hurt so much. All in all it would have made a better pen if I left it like this called it a dip pen and had people stick the end in ink if they wanted to write.[:I] Or you could print out the tutorial and make it into a pen[:0]
I just wanted all you zonies to know I blame you for my stupidity.
Hey, don't blame it on me either [:D] I did not turn anything other than twist a few barrels. Maybe you can't get that spiral out of your mind [:D]
I'm not getting this picture either, but it's sure interesting. I clicked on the tutorial, and I'm just too lazy to read it, because it looks too technical and overwhelming. Is there a "for dummies" guide? [:D][:D] Even though I think I see in the center column where there may be an illusion of no boxes when there really are boxes, I still just can't see how you would have a column that was straight through all the way so that you'd have a blank! [?] Could you show us a picture from another angle maybe?

And Michael- I want you to say "double solid bodied hidden clip snap cap" three times fast! That's a mouth full!
If I want to make spirals I use my skew[B)]. Hey I recall you saying you had a blow out at your demonstration so you were probably effected by the curse.

That was the for dummies guide. Just kidding it realy is pretty simple you cut the three colored woods into strips I think mine were about 3/8ths. I have and adjustable angle sled that I made that I set the angle to 30 degrees. I then set a stop block so that the cutoff is the same size as the width of the strip (say 3/8ths) when you cut that it makes a diamond
<br />

take the three different colored diamonds and glue them together to make the "box"

<br />
glue the boxes together and trim excess to make the blank.

<br />

Hope that helps. If I make another I will do a mini tutorial, but like I said before it looks totally different turned you lose the 3d effect all together, but it looks pretty cool. I will post a picture of the my salvage attemp even if it goes badly.
This is a link to another tutorial that might be a little better. Definately better than what I just wrote out.
I don't know about that! At least I understand about where the blank comes from now. How thick is the wood you're cutting these from - 3/8"? I assume that you end up with a square blank when you are done - or is there more gluing yet?
Hey Mike, I think I need the for dumber dumbies guide to this one. I just still can't see this and see how it comes out with any kind of blank that's possible to make a pen out of. I certainly believe you that it's there, but I just am baffled. I do hope you'll post a picture of your finished pen, maybe with that I can figure it out! I sure hope so because now it's going to drive me crazy until I figure it out!
tipusnr - the wood was about a standard 7/8th thickness. The thickness portion is the part you can not see in the picture. it does not really matter the thickness as long as the side of the diamond are the same length. There is no more glueing just trimming the excess off the sides and turning.

Angela - I will post it after I finish turning. I promise I will try again and make a mini turorial next time.
Originally posted by vick
<br /> BYe the way if anyone knows the proper drill bits for the el grande please post it. I am not talking about the manufacturer recommended bits, I mean the right ones.

I know the recommended 33/64" is too smal and requires reaming the hole. BB now sells 13.3 mm bit for the El Grande cap. I haven't tried it yet. I still ream the hole. The Ligero is very similar, and CSU recommends 17/32". I haven't tried that one either, but have read that it is on the loose side.
Well we have a few months until it'll be pretty hot for a daytime event. After that we may wait until october or so and have an ornament turning party. This year I will start a little earlier so I have a little more time to experiment with them. The turning club will be doing the ornament turning demo in May this year.
But I'm always up to getting together just for the fun of it.
I undersand the picture. All of the dimonds are flat. the three flat diamonds make a hexagon. that is cool. the whole thing is flat.(top view) not 3-d. it took me a little wile to figure it out. that is sweet.
Originally posted by vick
<br />Anthony,
If I want to make spirals I use my skew[B)]. Hey I recall you saying you had a blow out at your demonstration so you were probably effected by the curse.

That was the for dummies guide. Just kidding it realy is pretty simple you cut the three colored woods into strips I think mine were about 3/8ths. I have and adjustable angle sled that I made that I set the angle to 30 degrees. I then set a stop block so that the cutoff is the same size as the width of the strip (say 3/8ths) when you cut that it makes a diamond


take the three different colored diamonds and glue them together to make the "box"


glue the boxes together and trim excess to make the blank.


Hope that helps. If I make another I will do a mini tutorial, but like I said before it looks totally different turned you lose the 3d effect all together, but it looks pretty cool. I will post a picture of the my salvage attemp even if it goes badly.

Do you have to make a few of these and glue them up after? If I undestood it right, you will only come up with a 3/8" thick veneer like strip after these steps not a blank (yet).
Originally posted by Spike
<br />I undersand the picture. All of the dimonds are flat. the three flat diamonds make a hexagon. that is cool. the whole thing is flat.(top view) not 3-d. it took me a little wile to figure it out. that is sweet.

You got it spike!

Do you have to make a few of these and glue them up after? If I undestood it right, you will only come up with a 3/8" thick veneer like strip after these steps not a blank (yet).

Sorry I did not explain it very while
each diamond piece is roughly 3/8 by 3/8

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The outlined diamond is 3/8 by 3/8 from flat side to flat side. Tha makes the blank 3/4 across. The depth (not sure I am using that right) is what ever the original material thickness was in this case around 7/8ths.

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Just imagine in the tutorial I posted instead of using veneer I used 7/8ths lumber. And where they cut it with a knife I used a table saw.
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