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Len Shreck

Nov 9, 2009
If I offended anyone with a VERY bad JOKE. Yes thats what it was is just a JOKE I was not trying to defraud Microsoft or anyone else for that matter. As some of you probably remember I just bought a new desktop computer not that long ago, less then a month before Windows 7 came out as a matter of fact and paid an extra 249.99 or .95 for my copy of the program in question. I was banned, Correctly I might add, for that posting and paid my debt so to speak and TRULY HOPE that no one will hold it against me in any way. If I offended ANYONE I am SORRY and if you can not or will not accept my apology well at least I made the effort. We are ALL human and make mistakes and there are consequences for them but once they are served and apologies are made if you can not forgive well then I guess its one of two things either you didnt like me to begin with or you are not the type of person that has never or will never make a mistake and that type of person I dont think I will have a need to call a friend in the first place. Thank you all for reading this and again I am sorry for offending anyone or everyone and I hope that this mistake does not in any way interfere with any or all friendships that I have or may come to have with the great people on this awesome site.

To Jeff and all the "moderators" I would like to single you all out especially for an I am sorry. I know it was something very stupid to do and I hope that you all believe me when I say it was a joke as I said above I paid a nice little chunk of money for my copy of the program when I bought my new desktop and I hope that in no way this interferes with my standing as a member of IAP or with any help I may ask for or even be able to offer in the future. Thank you all for watching and doing your "Jobs" on here and for shear stupidity if nothing else I got what I deserved. Thank to anyone and everyone on IAP for reporting that kind of stuff and reading, what I didn't want to when I started but ended up doing, this long drawn out apology. Sincerely Leonard (Len) Shreck.
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I must have missed your joke posting, so if it will make you feel any better I have been through the 'deleted posting' thingie that the mods here do, and I have been warned about my unintentional 'political' issues and 'south of the border ethnic hints, I have even received kinda threating e-mails about my political hints, but I still survive here on occasion.

As far as the offensive e-mails from those here and elsewhere there is a function here that lets us mark offensive individuals as being ignored. That is exactly what I have done - they are all just 'ignored' and their time is thus wasted IF and when they should decide to get on my case. I never even see their postings on my PC and even if I did their comments wouldn't be hurting my feelings or anything else by any means. :beat-up:

I am POSITIVE you will also pass the test of time and survive here as well. Keep posting and "heads up." Jeff, Curtis, Cav and the other mods will continue to do their excellent jobs as moderators. Actually, I just don't see when they have any time to do much else than moderate ... it surely must be a daunting job all day long. :biggrin:
I must have missed something. I already apologized for something I did last year. It was a refreshing experience.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is an occasional "oversight of intention".

Hard as it may be to believe, I have been "moderated" as well, from time to time. Recognize it for what it is: Someone(s) complain(s) and Curtis has to decide if you have violated the Term of Service.

If he thinks so, he needs to take SOME action--really that's the crux of these "issues".

Also remember this is JUST a pen-turning site. Decisions made here will have NO consequences in the REAL world.

I also missed your "offending" thread or comments, Len. But, no matter what was said, you're back and more cautious about how your comments COULD be interpreted. And, all-in-all, "that's a good thing!" (sorry if you have a copyright on that, Martha!)

Welcome back!

Hope your personal life situation has improved!!
Dang, I guess I miss all the good stuff... don't know what you said Len, but don't care either... if there's a thread on here I don't want to read, I have the option of click off and going to another... as my middle daughter say "Whatever"...

Anyway, I'll accept your apology and lets get on with the party.
Hey Len,
As a many time "moderator-visited" person, welcome back.

If you want to pm the joke, I would not mind


Now onto something different:

Ed, This isn't the real world?? Damn I'm in trouble now
Thank you all for the words of acceptance and the Welcome Backs. As for the "Mods" they have jobs to do on here and I feel they do it well from what I have seen we all need to keep in mind that as someone once said "You cant make all of the people happy all of the time." Thanks Len
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