I read a quote once.... might have been in somebodys signature, that went something like this:
"A laborer is one who works with their hands. A craftsman is one who works with his hands and his head. An artist is one who works with his hands, head, and heart."
It's a bit sappy for me, but it does make sense as to how one would define an "artist". If a person makes a cheap pen, the minimum that will sell, and churns them out just like the first one, I'd say he's a laborer. If someone turns pens a certain way, with skill, with a certain amount of quality, with a knowledge of what he's doing, because that's what it takes to make and sell a good pen, then he's a craftsman. If a person cares about each and every pen, thinks carefully about the unique personality of each material and how it may suit a user, continually strives to advance his craft and show their own style with their work, they are an artist.
Personally I'd say I waver between the last two, which is fine with me. Sometimes I just want to make pens that'll sell. Artists have a reputation for not making a lot of money, although there are the lucky and talented ones that do.
PS, LOL at Chasper! I coulda sold a lot of pens if I was mean enough to stand next to a certain penturner that I've seen at several local craftsfairs. He wasn't an IAP member, I asked.